Home relationship You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things

You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things

You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things

There are 10 things you can do that will almost guarantee success:

1. To find the right person, you need to be the right person.

Before a relationship, build your life. Be a ‘right person’, and that’s what we should strive to work on then the right person will come with you.

2. Know your boundaries.

Before committing in a relationship, ask yourself, ‘what would be the one thing I am not willing to overlook’? Once you know your deal breakers, be prepared to follow through. It is important to know this as early as possible to prevent an otherwise failed and short-lived relationship.

3. True love is about healthy communication.

A healthy communication with your partner is not built on a culture of nitpicking, blaming, and distrust. It is grounded on a loving and nurturing environment wherein you can freely express your feelings and thoughts no matter what.

4. Build your individual life, and shared dreams as a couple

Figure out what you’ve always wanted to do—and do it. Find out what your partner wants in and out of life and support it. Decide—early on—if you can and will support each other.

5. Be proactive in all your relationships.

Make choices about relationships and friendships—even those with relatives. Be with those who are loving, respectful, honest, and open. Remember that quality is greater than quantity.

6. You aren’t a victim.

Refrain from victimizing yourself every time you encounter a huge fight with your partner just to get the sympathy of other people, or to feel better about yourself. You are in control of what is happening from your side. You either act upon it or you don’t.

7. Live with purpose.

Living with purpose is about doing the tough things and then reaping the rewards. Going to the gym to re-energize, relieve anxiety, and get strong. Eating healthy to fuel your body, you can be present in mind, body, and spirit for your family, friends, partner, and yourself. And when you in a relationship, You should maintain this practice.

8. Do not hurt your partner

There will always be times of inadvertent hurt or disappointment—even with those who truly love you. It’s not always smooth, but if you work at it it works.True love helps you with life—it’s not what makes life more difficult.

9. Love unconditionally

You should learn to love not just the best but also the worst in your partner. You should love your partner for everything that he/she is and everything that he/she is not – from his/her deep-seated principle down to his/her general interests and hobby.

10. Finally, true love is an action from you and to you.

Act it and insist on it. You deserve to be treated with love and respect—in all your relationships. Build what you need to be in a healthy relationship. And then, go out and make it. And it will be real, true, and wonderful.