A woman was left outraged when she discovered her boss had been secretly changing the clocks at work – which meant she was working ‘for free’.

pexels.com/ Ron Lach
Taking to Reddit, the anonymous poster said that her employer expected her to arrive at work 15 minutes early each and every day – and she did, but clocked in as soon as she arrived.
Later, she realised that the clocks were being altered, so her start time changed from 6.45am to 7.00am – causing the woman to lose 15 minutes of pay every day.
She decided if she wasn’t getting paid she would stop turning up early and began clocking in at 7.00am, but soon her start time was altered again, this time to 7.15am.
What do you think about the woman’s situation? Let us know in the comments…
“I’m losing 15 mins a day 5 days a week of clocked time because my boss is taking it from me,” the user, posting under the name BN, wrote.
“When I trained for this job, they told us to clock in 10-15 mins early to set up all of your software for the day. So I clock in at 6:45 every morning to get logged in and open all my programs.
“Well a few weeks ago I was checking in ADP on my time sheet, and I noticed.. my clock in was getting adjusted to 7am every day.”
Outraged, the user said they decided to then start clocking in at bang on 7am to avoid “working for free”.
But their boss quickly cottoned on, and pushed the worker’s clock in time back 10 minutes to 7.10am.
“I’m losing over an hour of work every week for months now,” the user added.
“That’s cash down the drain.”
The post has received more than 900 comments, with many sympathising with the worker’s situation.
One wrote: “Just for perspective – 1.25 hours a week is 65 hour in a year.
“That’s over a week and a half’s pay you don’t get.
“I don’t know about you, but missing even one weeks pay would be detrimental to my personal financial well being.”
A third added: “This kind of thing really makes by blood boil.
Source:the-sun.com, mirror.co.uk