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The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Does These 15 Things

The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Does These 15 Things

1. Never date someone who robs you of your self-esteem.

Never date someone who makes you feel like you’re not good enough. The right person for you will love you with such a sense of pride, treat you like the queen you are and you will feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

2. Never date someone you caught lying.

You should not be with this guy and you should definitely think about marrying him. You will never be able to trust him and you will always be stressed out.

3. Never date someone who doesn’t know what he wants.

He may just be confused, but it’s also possible that he’s purposely keeping you that way because he plans to disappear when he’s had enough.

4. Never date someone who controls what you wear.

The right person will not want to control you in any way. She likes you just as you are, ugly shoes and all.

5. Never date someone who doesn’t accept you as you are.

If your partner wants to change you, they don’t love you the way you deserve. The right person has fallen in love with you as you are and should only encourage you to change if there is something about you that you are trying to work on.

6. Never date someone who wants to be pursued.

Never date someone who will wait for you to make the first move or set up your date. Someone who obviously doesn’t care that much about you.

7. Never date someone who makes you feel less worthy.

Someone who insults you because they think they’re better. He is so insecure that he must be a manipulative jerk to convince himself that he is better than you.

8. Never date someone who doesn’t treat you like a priority.

Someone who always puts themselves first. Someone who is so selfish that they don’t see your needs and the fact that you need to be loved too.

9. Never date someone who treats you like a punching bag.

Someone who takes it out on you when they’ve had a bad day. Never date someone who doesn’t care that you had a bad day, too.

10. Never date someone who has chєαted.

There’s no guarantee he won’t do the same to you. Once a chєαtєr, always a chєαtєr.

11. Never date someone you know nothing about.

Someone who is so mysterious that they won’t let you in. It’s fine to have a dose of mystery at first, but if it continues, it’s not healthy for your relationship.

12. Never date someone who doesn’t think about your feelings.

If you feel like your partner only cares about their wants and comforts, that’s not true love. The right person will think about your feelings and the things you want and make sure they compromise as much as you do.

13. Never date someone who avoids making your relationship public.

They may swear their love for you, but if they avoid making your relationship public, it’s not true love and they are a coward for hiding it.

14. Never date someone who criticizes you all the time.

The right person will love you enough to never judge you for something you would like to forget or leave behind. She will love you for the person you are now.

15. Never date someone who doesn’t pay attention to you or listen to you.

If they love you, they will really want to listen to what you say, because knowing more about you and the things you are passionate about will make them happy. The right person will always make you feel heard.