Home relationship Reasons Why Men-Of Any Age – Prefer Date Women 50 And Older

Reasons Why Men-Of Any Age – Prefer Date Women 50 And Older

Reasons Why Men-Of Any Age – Prefer Date Women 50 And Older

1. She knows what she wants.

She know what she wants in life, how she is going to get it, where it’s going to come from, and why it’s so important. She is mature, so she can easily communicate her wants clearly and efficiently.

2. She is sexy as hell.

A woman this age knows the importance of taking care of herself. They feel more confident than I ever have.

3. She doesn’t need you.

She may want you, but she doesn’t need you. Most likely, she is highly independent and very happy about it. A woman in her 50’s has learned that she doesn’t need a relationship to be happy. She has a rich life, including close friends, family, and plenty of hobbies and interests.

4. She is comfortable in her own skin (and still looks stunning in a bikini).

She is more content with herself than in her younger years. More likely, she has already gone through the difficult inner work on herself to get to that magical place of inner peace and joy.

5. They are happier than ever.

No more unnecessary anxiety or insecurities, and no clinginess anymore. A woman in her 50’s appreciates life for all that it is and is committed to making the most out of the time she has. She is not worried about their biological clock. She is free to enjoy getting to know you and letting your relationship flow easily.

6. They can make conversation.

Expect a smooth, dynamic conversation sprinkled with witty jokes and life anecdotes that will make your day. And she wants to make you the center of attention.

7. She turns the bedroom into an adventure.

The middle years, between 50 and 65, constitute the apex of adult life…for women, the passage to be made is from pleasing to mastery.

8. She is way over her exes.

And she doesn’t want to talk about them, nor should you. She has the intention to move forward with her life, and perhaps, with you in it. No more focusing on baggage or negativity.

9. She loves kids, has grown kids and definitely doesn’t want any more.

More likely than not, her kids are out of the house or just about to leave. She still loves kids dearly and can love your kids just as much. But the best thing of all is that the last thing in the world she wants is more kids. It’s her time now and all she wants is to have fun. Maybe a lot of fun