One of the strongest antioxidant fruits, one guava can remove nitrite toxic of 18 sausages in the body

In modern society, many people are often busy with work and pay little attention to their meals, almost all three meals are bought from outside. However, you may not know, such foods can contain high levels of nitrite, so you have to be very careful.
Though processed food are cheap and time-saving, there’s definitely a price to pay. One main ingredient in processed food is nitrite, which can cause more harm than good if consumed regularly.
Nitrite is added in meat products such as sausages, bacon and ham to preserve their color and shelf-life. Excessive consumption of nitrite can result in decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and even cancer as it is a chemical which does not naturally belong in food.
Now if you’re thinking if only there’s a way to reduce your nitrite intake and eat healthy at the same time, here’s a good news. The Taiwan Agriculture Council has recently revealed three fruits that can clear up the nitrite content in human body.
According to the council, consumption of fruits rich in antioxidant are extremely beneficial in locating and getting rid of free radicals that contain nitrite from your body.

Health 2.0 report: Yang Shuhui, an associate researcher of the Fengshan branch of the Agricultural Laboratory of the Council of Agriculture, pointed out in the “Agricultural Laboratory Technical Service Quarterly” that according to reports from the Netherlands, the United States and Germany, polyphenols in food such as tea polyphenols, Reducing sugars, polysaccharides such as dietary fiber, organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, etc., Vitamin Such as vitamin C, E, carotenoids and redox enzymes, etc., all have the effect of removing nitrite.
Since the “nitrite scavenging power” is related to the vitamin C, polyphenols, flavonoids (such as carotene) and other components of fruits, the higher the content of these antioxidants, the better the nitrite scavenging effect; The level of nitrite removal capacity of different types of fruits can be used to evaluate the level of antioxidant capacity of different types of fruits.
Associate researcher Yang Shuhui pointed out that the Fengshan branch of the Agricultural Research Institute sampled 29 kinds of fruits to test the ability to remove nitrites, of which 16 were domestic fruits and 13 were imported fruits.The results of the test found that the first fruits with the strongest detoxification were pearl guava and imperial guava, the third was red guava, and the fourth and fifth were papaya and pineapple. The following detoxification fruits were: Grapefruit, Maogu tangerine, sea pear tangerine, New Zealand kiwi fruit and South African grapefruit.

The health perks in guava is immensely great that it can clear up the nitrite content in 18 sausages at once!
At this point, guava can be considered as superfruit due to its various contributions to human health. Not only does it have anti-aging properties, it also protects the gums and ensures good flow in blood vessels and heart.
Eating a lot of guava also has the effect of lightening the skin and anti-aging. In addition, the sugar content in guava is lower than in apples, oranges and grapes. The crude fiber present in guava can also help promote gastrointestinal motility and increase satiety, which is very suitable to eat when losing weight. It’s a great post-meal snack to keep you filled on a busy day.
The next time you feel like grabbing a ham or bacon sandwich for a quick fix, make the smart choice and go for guava instead. A low cost alternative for healthy body and healthy skin.,