Home relationship Never Date Some One Who Does These 15 Things

Never Date Some One Who Does These 15 Things

Never Date Some One Who Does These 15 Things

1. They get sketchy whenever you ask to see their phone

If they’re not allowing you anywhere close to their phone, there’s something fishy. It means they’re hiding something and you can’t trust them. And without trust, a relationship can’t grow.

2. They lie even with the smallest things

If they can lie about what they did over the weekend, they can lie about big things, too. Honesty and trust are the foundations of a healthy and secure relationship.

3. They don’t protect you

If you’re a woman, never date a man who doesn’t protect you from the little and big things in life.

4. They put you down

You should never tolerate someone who always puts you down. You should be with someone supportive, someone who celebrates your success. Not someone who looks down on what you do.

5. They get mad when you don’t want $3x

This a terrible warning sign that they see you as a $3x object and nothing more. They’re not likely to change and you’re better off with someone who actually wants to spend real quality time with you.

6. They don’t respect your boundaries

If you’re dating someone who’s always making you do things you’re uncomfortable with, it’s not a good sign for the future. Relationships should maintain healthy boundaries so you both grow as a couple and not become too enmeshed in each other.

7. They hate spending time with your friends and family

If they constantly bash your friends and family and show a lack of respect, it means they have no respect for you, either..

8. They hold you to double standards

A classic example of this is if they’re always happy to go out drinking with their friends, but they get mad when you do the same. No, no matter how they spin it, it’s not okay.

9. They turn their mistakes into your mistakes

If they don’t accept or acknowledge their faults, but instead try to blame it on you, stay away from this person.

10. They still flirt with others

How terrible is it to go out to a public place and watch them flirt with another person right in front of you, even if it’s just the waiter/waitress?! Those actions are a huge indicator that they’re capable of cheating.

11. They make you feel like you’re their dirty little secret

If you’ve been dating a while and there’s absolutely no sign that you even exist in their life, it’s definitely a cause for concern. You should be with someone who is not ashamed to be with you. Or at least someone who is upfront about why.

13. They still mention their ex

If they constantly mention an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend, then they’re not over them, and they won’t be able to love you fully. However, it can also be a sign that they blame their ex and take no responsibility for the breakup. You deserve more than someone that is loving multiple people.

14. You’re not attracted to them

You can love spending time with someone so much and think they’re such a nice person that it would eventually work out. But it’s a risk. If that sexual attraction never comes, the sex becomes pretty tiresome and boring.

15. You’re not a priority in their life

If your date never makes time in their schedule to meek with you, you are probably not a priority and the simply don’t want to be with you. Move on and stop wasting your time.