I was just moments away to say “I do” when the church doors flew open and my father screamed that the WEDDING WAS OFF. What he said next broke my heart in the blink of an eye.
The beautiful glow of morning light streamed through the stained glass windows, creating a rainbow of hues on my white gown. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. Today was my wedding day…

“You look absolutely radiant, Esther,” Lia, my best friend and maid of honor, exclaimed as she adjusted my veil.
I beamed at her, my heart racing with anticipation. “I can’t believe this day is finally here. I’m getting married!”
As Lia assisted me into my wheelchair, I felt a tinge of self-consciousness. I was born with a limb deformity and had spent my entire life using a wheelchair. However, I refused to let it dampen my spirits.
“Kevin loves you exactly as you are,” Lia reassured me, squeezing my hand. “You two are made for each other.”
I nodded, picturing my soon-to-be my husband waiting at the altar. We’d only met six months ago at a support group. Kevin was crippled, much like me, and our bond was immediate and powerful.
For the first time in my life, I felt really seen and understood.

“Remember when we were kids?” Lia mused, adjusting a stray curl. “You always said you’d never get married.”
I chuckled recalling my headstrong younger self. “I guess I just needed to meet the right person.”
A knock at the door startled us. “Esther? It’s time, sweetheart,” my mother called.
I took a deep breath, smoothing my dress. “This is it. Let’s go get married!”
The church doors flung open, and all eyes focused on me. I felt a jolt of confidence as my father, Matthews, started pushing my wheelchair down the aisle.
Kevin’s smile as he saw me approach filled my heart with joy.

When we got to the altar, my father bent down and kissed my cheek. “You look beautiful, princess,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I haven’t always been there for you.”
I squeezed his hand. “You’re here now, Dad. That’s what matters.”
As the ceremony began, I searched the pews for my father’s familiar face. He was there not long ago. My brow furrowed when I couldn’t see him. Where has he gone?
“Dearly beloved,” the priest intoned, “we are gathered here today…”
I put my worries aside and focused on Kevin’s warm brown eyes and compassionate grin. This was our time, and nothing could ruin it.

“Do you, Kevin, take Esther to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Kevin’s grasp on my hand strengthened. “I d—”
The church doors slammed open with a loud thud. “STOP THE WEDDING!”
My father stormed down the aisle, his face twisted in wrath. “THIS WEDDING IS CANCELED! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS MAN REALLY IS!”
Gasps and whispers echoed throughout the crowd. I felt blood drain from my cheeks as Dad approached us, pointing an ᴀᴄᴄᴜsɪɴɢ finger at Kevin.

“Dad, what are you doing?” I hissed, mortified. “Have you lost your mind?”
Kevin’s grip on my hand tightened. “Mr. Matthews, please, there must be some misunderstanding…”
“Shut up!” Dad roared. He turned to me, his eyes wild.
“Esther, listen to me. This man is a fraud. A scammer. He’s been lying to you from the start!”
I shook my head, refusing to believe it. “That’s ridiculous. Kevin loves me!”
“He’s using you for your money!” Dad insisted. “He’s done this before, targeting vulnerable women like you. It was all a setup, honey… meeting you at the support group, the whirlwind romance. He’s a con artist!”
Kevin’s face had gone pale. “Esther, baby, don’t listen to him. You know me. You know our love is real!”
I looked between them, my mind reeling. “Dad, you can’t just make wild accusations like this. Where’s your proof?”
A cruel smile twisted Dad’s lips. “Oh, I’ve got proof alright.”
Dad clapped, and a waiter entered carrying a ceramic cup. “This is boiling water. I’m going to pour it on our legs, you lying pervert!” Dad barked, turning to Kevin.
Before anyone could react, he threw the contents of the cup across Kevin’s legs.
Kevin yelped… and leaped out of his wheelchair.
The church went silent. I watched in surprise as Kevin stood before me on TWO PERFECTLY HEALTHY LEGS.
Dad’s laughing broke through the startled hush. “It was just cold water! But now you see the truth, Esther. He’s been faking his disability this whole time!”
Tears welled up in my eyes as the full weight of the treachery fell on me. “Kevin… how could you?”
Kevin’s eyes darted around wildly. “Esther, please, I can explain—”
“Explain what? How you lied to me? Used me?”
“It wasn’t like that. My feelings for you are real!”
“Save it, Kevin. I don’t want to hear another word from you.”
As if on cue, police officers streamed into the church. “Johnson, you’re under arrest for ғʀᴀᴜᴅ and grand ʀᴏʙʙᴇʀʏ.”
“Johnson?” I gave a gasp. Everything about the man I loved was faked… including his name.
I watched in horrified silence as they carried him away in handcuffs, my dreams falling all around me. The last thing I saw was the thief staring back at me, his eyes full with sorrow and despair.
Hours later, I sat in my bedroom, lost in my shattered reality. The weight of grief felt oppressive today, a cruel reminder of the future I had lost. A faint knock came at the door.

“Esther?” It was my mother. “Your father would like to speak with you. Can he come in?”
I sighed deeply and ran my hand over my tear-stained face. “Fine.”
Dad entered, his previous fury replaced by a tired grief. He perched on the edge of my bed and ran his fingers through his graying hair.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know this isn’t how you imagined your wedding day.”
I couldn’t look at him. “How did you know? About him? Why didn’t you tell me sooner when you led me down the aisle?”

Dad sighed. “I saw him walking in the garden this morning. It didn’t sit right with me. Then I remembered he’d asked me for money to book your honeymoon trip, but when I checked, nothing had been reserved. That’s when my suspicions really kicked in. I hired a private investigator right away. In just half a day, we uncovered Kevin’s whole operation. He’s done this to other women, Esther. Vulnerable, wealthy women like you. I just wanted to prove what a wolf he was… in front of everyone.”
The tears I had been keeping back eventually came out. “I’m such an ɪᴅɪᴏᴛ.”

“No, honey.” Dad pulled me into a hug. “This is our fault… your mother’s and mine. We were so focused on building our fortune that we neglected what really mattered. You.”
I buried my face in his shoulder, sobbing. “I was so lonely, Dad. He made me feel special and understood.”
“I know, princess. And I’m so, so sorry. Can you ever forgive us?”
I pulled back, wiping my eyes. “It’ll take time. But… I’m glad you’re here now.”
Dad squeezed my hand. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. How about we start with some ice cream? For old times’ sake?”
A watery laugh escaped me. “That sounds perfect.”
Weeks passed, and I slowly began to recover. One afternoon, I wheeled myself into my painting studio, determined to turn my anguish into creation.

As I mingled colors on my palette, my phone rang with a text from Lia: “How are you holding up? Want company? ?”
I smiled, touched by her concern. “I’m okay. Painting helps! ??”
“You got it. Love you, girl! Be strong! ?”
I laid my phone aside and dipped my brush in bright red. On the canvas, a phoenix began to emerge from the ashes.
The door creaked open, and Mom peeked in. “Esther? Your father and I were thinking of ordering in tonight. Any requests?”
I turned, surprised by the thoughtful gesture. “Actually… could we maybe cook together instead? Like we used to when I was little?”
Mom’s face lit up. “I’d love that, sweetheart.”
As she went, I returned to my painting, a bittersweet smile tugging on my lips. My heart was still damaged, my faith shattered. But, for the first time in years, I did not feel alone.
Later that evening, when we gathered in the kitchen, the aroma of sautéed garlic and onions filled the room. Dad was chopping vegetables and Mom was stirring a soup on the stove. I sat at the countertop, kneading dough for fresh bread.
“Remember when we used to do this every Sunday?” Mom asked, a wistful smile on her face.
I nodded, feeling a pang of nostalgia. “Before the business took off and everything got so… busy.”

Dad set down his knife, turning to face me. “Esther, I want you to know… your mother and I, we’re committed to doing better. To being there for you.”
“We’ve missed so much,” Mom added, her eyes glistening. “But if you’ll let us, we’d like to make up for lost time.”
I felt a lump form in my throat. “I’d like that too,” I whispered.
As we continued to cook, share tales, and laugh, I understood something important: the love I had been looking for, the connection I desired, had always been present. I only needed to open my eyes to see it.
With a wounded heart and a canceled wedding, I am still mending and recovering from the experience. Though I’m not completely out of it, I’m glad Dad protected me from the biggest mistake of my life: marrying a man who just loved my money… and not me. ??