Juggling responsibilities at home and professional duties at the office so so tough especially for working moms because no one available does the babysitting on their behalf.
It is true this is a common issue in every household because they can’t just choose between being a parent and a professional. Well, if you choose money, you may be cruel to your child. But we can’t survive the world and can’t meet our family’s needs without any source of income. Would you agree?
Thankfully, there are workplaces that allow moms to bring their infants to work. And Melody Jett Blackwell of Tennessee is one of those lucky mothers. Lucky enough to be able to bring her infant to work with her and still manage her everyday tasks. But she didn’t expect what her boss would do one afternoon.
While Melody was busy at her desk, she didn’t notice that her boss was around and watching her. She even didn’t know that her boss also took a picture of Melody together with her infant baby.
Her boss, Dr. Elizabeth Baker, was just so touched by the cute spectacle that she decided to share the beautiful photo with the world.

Elizabeth Baker uploaded the photo of Melody and her baby on their business’ official Facebook page. Alongside the photo, Elizabeth Baker also penned a message urging other businesses to allow the same work setup for their mom employees.

She wrote in the post:
“She makes it look easy. It helps that Baby Nora-Jo is so sweet and content just being with and near her mama.
Would y’all mind sharing this? We need more small and large businesses to see this is doable and should be allowed more often! The newborn months are so short.
(She has transitioned to working from home mostly, but comes in when we need the extra hands. She’s still breastfeeding and baby needs mama! She has many times for feeding breaks while they are in the office.)
#WorkinMamas post a pic of you and your little ones while you work!”
Melody is just a hardworking mom.
She works at the Maryland Farms Chiropractic as an assistant. Dr. Baker, who did nothing but support her, has always been generous with Melody during her pregnancy term.

She told Love What Matters how she was being treated kindly by her boss right from the start of her pregnancy.
“When I had the baby, my boss was very generous, giving me 3-month maternity leave. After that, she has allowed me to work from home most of the week and only come into the office once a week. She allows me to bring my baby with me when I come in so that we can continue to bond and breastfeed.”
Melody is indeed lucky to be working for such a kind-hearted boss who genuinely cares for her employees and gives them such privileges at work.
To no one’s surprise, the candid photo of Melody went viral.

In fact, it melted a lot of people’s hearts. The internet users were simply moved by the beautiful photo and its powerful message. As of this writing, the post has already gained 2.7K likes with hundreds of comments and 1.5K shares on Facebook alone!
Melody only learned about the photo when it became viral on social media.The mom simply hopes that the message will be heard across the globe and that more business establishments will allow this kind of convenience to working moms like her.
Melody says to Love What Matters: “I know not every office and work environment is conducive for children and babies, but I think more places can be more flexible than they are currently,”.

Raising children is never easy for parents and it’s hard for children if mom and dad need to go to work. But if businesses would be more lenient to their working moms, then it would certainly help them in more ways than one.
It would help moms decrease mental trauma and it would also give them more savings by skipping additional expenses like hiring people just to babysit their kids.
“It helps tremendously with the cost of daycare. I hope that more moms in the future will get the opportunity that I have to get to spend every day with my baby but also contribute to the family income.”
Source: sweetandsavory.co