A man took to Reddit to reveal that he makes his pregnant wife sleep in a separate bedroom because of the fact that her tossing and turning interrupts his sleep and he’s sick of “putting up with it”.

According to this man, his wife’s mother told him off for his behaviour but he maintained that his sleep is too important to sacrifice.
He explained his reasoning at length in a Reddit post and opinion is totally split.
The man’s Reddit post gained a lot of attention from the fellow users with thousands comments. Opinion is divided in the comments:
“I can understand needing sleep to perform your best at work. But dude, you are in for a hell of a time when the baby comes”,
“I wonder what it’s going to be like when your child is here, if you can’t sleep with your wife’s insomnia how are you going to deal with a crying baby?”
“if anyone should have relocated it should have been you what next when the baby cries all hours of the night are you going to relocate them somewhere else too”
“Your pregnant wife should’ve stayed in the master bedroom, more familiar/comfortable I’m assuming, with en-suite, especially with the hyperemesis.”
“Your wife seems fine with it and that’s all that matters”, wrote one commenter.
How about you? Do you agree with this man?