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‘In Tears’: Prince Harry’s Reaction to Brother Prince William Receiving a New Title from King Charles

Prince Harry is apparently heartbroken to find that his older brother, Prince William, has been named Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps, a position formerly held by Harry. Buckingham Palace’s revelation has deeply wounded Harry, according to royal analyst Richard Fitzwilliams.

Fitzwilliams said: “King Charles’ announcement that Prince Harry is being stripped of his role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Corps is a real kick in the teeth for the son who always felt marginalized.”

The passing of the title to Prince William, whom Harry apparently considers a source of his problems, has left him distraught. Fitzwilliams went on to say, “Harry needs to understand that when you betray the family, you don’t just get out of doing things you hated as a working royal. You also lose the things you loved.

Despite the blow, Prince Harry has resisted. During a recent event commemorating the Invictus Games’ tenth anniversary, he proudly wore the KCVO Neck Order and Star, bestowed upon him by Queen Elizabeth II. Royal author Tom Quinn says Harry used this act to demonstrate his importance and remind his family of his accomplishments.

The timing of William’s new title has stoked suspicion about Harry’s already fragile relationship with his father, King Charles III. Despite popular excitement, Harry’s recent visit to the United Kingdom did not involve a meeting with his father, which heightened public scrutiny and criticism of the King’s priorities.