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If Your Partner Wants To Break Up With You, They Will Do These Things

If Your Partner Wants To Break Up With You, They Will Do These Things

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1. He or she avoids you

If your partner suddenly cancels all your plans or changes the conversation as soon as a serious subject comes up. He or she comes home very late, sometimes even after you have gone to bed. These changes in behavior could indicate that he is trying to avoid you. It’s time to bring this behavior to his attention.

2. He doesn’t talk about the future or involve you in his plans.

You and your partner used to spend hours planning your life together. But lately, your partner shows no interest. Even when you try to engage him in such discussions, he shies away. If such episodes have become common lately, this may be a cause for concern.

3. He or she has stopped making an effort.

If your partner has stopped making an effort, this may be a sign that he or she is considering leaving. Missing birthdays or ignoring other special occasions could be his way of letting you know he’s ready to give up.

4. They don’t express their love anymore

A few of them kiss or do something unique to make their partner feel special. You know what your partner does to express their love. But if you think that such instances are missing in your life now, then it could be a sign that your partner is no longer interested in staying with you.

5. They act in a secretive way

If you notice that your man or woman is sneakily checking their phone, quickly logging out of Facebook, going out with unknown friends, or not sharing their plans, then it’s time to look at the bigger picture.

6. There is a growing distance between you

People generally tend to distance themselves if they are unhappy, doubtful or uncomfortable. It’s best to let your partner bridge the gap on their own. But it can also mean the end of your relationship and is a sign that your partner wants to break up.

7. He or she has stopped paying attention to you

Compliments are becoming rare. Your partner doesn’t notice you anymore and doesn’t even seem to care if you’re having a hard time. There is a disconnect and you realize that your partner is indifferent to you lately. This could be a sign that he or she is going to break up with you.

8. They constantly disapprove of you

Things have changed. When you are sitting together, they get angry with you or look upset. They don’t seem to care how you are doing or where you are, or even bother to find out if and why you are upset. They don’t pay attention when you don’t come home or when you cry. This shows their declining interest in the relationship and reflects their dissatisfaction with you.

9. They argue with you.

All couples argue from time to time, but if the small arguments turn into explosions, there may be a problem. Sure, it may be a phase or an outlet for a bigger problem, but if there’s no logical reason for your arguments, your partner may be creating the drama for another reason: to leave you.

10. He or she threatens to leave you.

Light-hearted banter is one thing, but if your partner is threatening to leave you or joking about breaking up, he may be thinking about it. And if he’s handling disagreements by threatening to end the relationship, he’s probably not fully invested.