Home relationship If Your Man Do These Things, You Should Never Forgive Him

If Your Man Do These Things, You Should Never Forgive Him

If Your Man Do These Things, You Should Never Forgive Him

1. He cheats on you

He consciously slept with another woman and he didn’t think about your feelings or about all the agony you would go through when you found out about that. Don’t forgive him when you find out about this because you deserve more than his half-assed love.

2. He abuses you

Your man should be your protector and not someone you will be afraid of. No matter whether it is emotional or physical abuse, it is something that you shouldn’t tolerate in a relationship.

3. He is rude to you or your family/friends.

Your man should be supportive and loving you. If your man rude you or your family/friends in front of others, you’ll feel tension in your life forever.

4. He lies to you

If your man lies, that means that he does bad things and he doesn’t want you to find out about them. If he can’t even speak the truth on the little things, you will ever trust him with things that actually matter. And this behavior is unforgivable.

5. He pressures you

Your man shouldn’t pressure you to do things that you are not comfortable with. If he can’t respect when something makes you uncomfortable, run far far away.

6. He doesn’t put you first

If your guy puts all the people around you first, and you end up last, then you have a problem. Maybe he is not in love with you anymore and maybe he doesn’t see the two of you together for the long run.

7. He blames you for all the problems

When a man who blames you for everything bad that happens, he is the type who will always be looking for someone to blame rather than accept the failure himself, run far away from him.

8. He makes you feel less worthy

A relationship should be something nice where you can be yourself and the other person should love you for who you really are.If you feel bad because your man makes you feel less worthy, you need to change something.