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If Your Ex Wants You Back & Just Can’t Stop Thinking of You, They Show These Signs

If Your Ex Wants You Back & Just Can’t Stop Thinking of You, They Show These Signs

1. Getting back in touch

The only reason behind their sudden and frequent reaching out to you again after the no contact period is that they miss you.
By constantly being in touch with you, they are becoming a part of your life again which is their primary goal after all.

2. They Keep You Updated

They text you sharing personal details and open up about their life. The chances are high that they are trying to reconnect with you romantically. This means they have not moved on and are thinking about you and want you in their life.

3. Recalling the old times

They find every possible way to talk about the happy memories created together in the past. It means they are trying to alter your perspective by helping you delete all the bad things from the past. They are simultaneously awakening the feeling of love you had towards them in those moments.

4. They Pretend That They Need Your Help

If your ex seems to be coming up with excuses to see you and pretending to ask for help for silly things, confront them and ask them what they want – they might say they missed you a lot and want to get back together.

5. They’re desperate for your attention

They’ll do literally everything to capture your attention and make you see their true intentions. They won’t even care if they embarrass themselves in their pursuit.

6. They Show Too Much Interest In Your Love Life

If they show a little too much interest in your love life or about the new person in your life, it might be because they want to figure out how you feel about your new love interest. This could also mean they are trying to find out if they still have a chance of getting back to you.

7. They Act Jealous

If your ex just wants to be friends, they’ll be happy, and might even wish you well. But if they sound a bit jealous, or if they seem down in the dumps, chances are they still have feelings for you — and were maybe even hoping for a reconciliation.

8. They Acknowledge Their Role In The Breakup

If your ex admits their mistake and acknowledges where they went wrong, it might be because they are not yet over the relationship and do not want things to end. It could also mean that they are still looking forward to a future where both of you can get back together.

9. They tell you that they miss you

If your ex talks about how they miss being with you or spending time with you, or if they express how warmly they feel about the failed relationship, it’s probably time for you to start considering if you’d want to get back with your ex.

10. They show it when they’re drunk

If you find your ex drunk calling you every now and then to scream their heart’s desires, they might still be in love with you.