Home Life “How’s Heaven?” Grieving Little Boy Calls A Family Meeting To Talk To...

“How’s Heaven?” Grieving Little Boy Calls A Family Meeting To Talk To His Late Father.

It is never easy when you lose a loved one. However, at the age of 7, Nicco came up with a great way for his siblings to reconnect with their dad who recently p.a.s.s.e.d.

A moment was captured on video showing Nicco gathers his three siblings in the living room. After that, he explains what he’d like them all to do: “Now you just look up and talk to dad.”

Nicco goes on to do just that — he discusses heaven, asks for his dad’s protection over himself and the rest of his family, and makes sure to let him know just how much they love him. The rest of his siblings follow suit, though not all of it is caught on camera. Although it’s a simple moment, it’s one they’re sure to never forget.

Watch this touching moment below and don’t forget to share.


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