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How To Know When To End a Relationship With Someone You Love

How To Know When To End a Relationship With Someone You Love

1. You’ve stopped caring or putting in the effort

While we all have our down days as a partner, if you consistently can’t seem to summon back the interest you once had, it’s a sign things have cooled off.

2. You Want Different Things

No matter how much you love someone, sometimes life takes you in different directions. Desires for children, professional dreams, or where you’d like to live are common aspirations that couples struggle with. There can be hope with compromise, but without that, the warning signs are hard to ignore.

3. You don’t like yourself

Not liking yourself when you’re around your partner can wear you down over time. If you feel like your partner brings out the worst in you, it’s probably a sign that things have become unhealthy. A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you.

4. You Keep Thinking About It

If you just can’t stop feeling like you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore, even if you can’t put your finger on why, then it’s time to go. Trust your gut.

5. Physical Intimacy Doesn’t Appeal to You Anymore

If your passion has deflated and you’re no longer interested in your partner at all, that could be a problem. When just the thought of your partner being close or touching you intimately is off-putting, [it could] signal that the relationship is in need of an overhaul, or that a breakup is potentially near.

6. It’s Hard to Agree on Anything

When you’re dealing with constant disagreements, it can lead to anger on both sides. When all you can agree on is that you can’t agree on anything, it’s an unfortunate indicator of the relationship’s future.

7. Someone Else Seems More Appealing

Whether you’re fixated on your ex, crushing on someone from work, or longing for strangers, it’s time to reconsider your feelings. If your partner is no longer your priority in bed, it’s time for a talk.

8. The Trust Is Gone

Whether your partner had an affair or they just simply don’t keep promises, trust is hard to rebuild. If you feel like you can’t trust the person in your corner, it’s a roadblock that prevents any meaningful connection.

9. Your partner is making little or no effort

You’re likely to feel that you’re making all the effort, but you get little back. It may be that your partner: is no longer interested in you, is only interested in themselves.

10. Your values are different

People’s values change over time. If you have a strong, passionate opinion on certain subjects and your partner feels equally passionate in the opposite direction, there may not be a compromise you can reach that leaves you both feeling satisfied.