A 16-year-old boy from Wolverhampton, Central England was swimming at a beach with two other youngsters when a riptide took him. As a result, he suffered brain damage with no hope of recovering, and his family had to let him go.
An inquest recorded a verdict of accidental dєαth.
North West Wales senior coroner Dewi Pritchard Jones paid tribute to those “ordinary people” who carried out CPR on Blake on the beach. He said this case was among typical ones he had to deal with every summer. The coroner added that sea conditions were “quite rough” and there was a strong current making the teenagers not aware of the danger they were in. As a result, 16-year-old Blake Ward didn’t survive.
Blake’s grandfather said those people who tried to help the schoolboy were “heroes” and gave them four extra days with him.
His aunt, Barbara Blackwell, described him as a lively, fun-loving boy who talked non-stop and was always brimming with joy. The loss of 16-year-old Blake has devastated her family. She said her family didn’t blame anyone for the incident.
Ward was fortunate to have his loved ones around in his final moments.
His girlfriend, Stephanie Ray, lay next to him on his hospital bed and hugged him warmly minutes before he díєd.
“Blake was someone special to me and we had something special and we will always have that. Fly high, my baby boy, and I’m gonna make you proud. Love you and I always will (sic).”, Ray shared in an emotional message to Ward.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ward, and we hope nobody has to suffer something of this magnitude.
References: mirror.co.uk, facebook