Blackheads are tricky. No matter how well you take care of your skin, they just show up sometimes—usually at the worst possible time. Unfortunately for many of us, this is a common problem that can be very annoying to deal with. The good news: There are endless products promising you a quick fix. Every pharmacy and big supermarket offers endless rows of beauty products. The bad news: Many of them don’t really work. And even if they do, they are usually full of chemicals and substances with potential side effects. Have you tried a range of products without finding the right tool to get rid of your blackheads? Then it’s time to try out some home remedies. If you’re finally ready to get rid of blackheads, these home remedies for blackheads can help.

1. Make use of the multi-talent baking soda
Almost every household uses baking soda for one purpose or another. Even though this useful, multipurpose talent helps in a lot of situations, it is actually very cheap to buy, which is why EVERYONE should have at least some of it stored at home. But how does it work fighting blackheads? First of all, baking soda is great for removing dead skin cells as well as oil and dirt. This helps your skin look and feel better. But baking soda offers another very useful perk: it neutralizes pH imbalances. All you have to do is mix baking soda with a bit of water and make a paste that can be applied to your face. The best effect can be reached by gently messaging your skin with this paste two to three times a week. Make sure to apply a moisturizing lotion after each baking soda treatment, as this multi-talent tends to dry out your skin a little.
2. At-home exfoliation – a pleasant way to fight blackheads
Brown sugar, honey and lemon juice make up this exfoliation mixture that you can use on blackheads on your nose and chin. This really smells as good as it sounds. For best results, you should mix one tablespoon of brown sugar and one tablespoon of honey, and then mix them together with some lemon juice. Once the mixture is ready, you have to show some patience and a lot of discipline: make sure to massage your face for around five minutes in a circular motion, and most importantly, DO NOT give in to the temptation of eating your skin remedy! This is not the time for snacking.
3. Turmeric is more than just a part of Asian curry powders
Turmeric is a powerful natural component with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. But keep in mind that regular turmeric (the one used for cooking) can potentially stain the skin due to its strong color. If you want to apply turmeric to your skin you have to make use of Kasturi turmeric which is perfect for skin care. The best way to make use of it is to mix it with coconut oil and form a paste. Add some water to make sure the consistency is good. Many people use this mixture to make a face mask and apply it for about 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Egg whites
Using a natural face mask for blackheads is an easy way to reduce blackheads. Simply whisk one egg white and apply it to your skin. Then use a tissue as a thin layer on top and apply some more whisked egg white. All you then have to do is let this mixture sit for around 20 minutes and rinse everything off. You can repeat this as many times as you want, as egg white does not harm your skin in any way.
5. Green tea
No, you’re not drinking this green tea—you’re putting it on your face! The tea mixture needed here requires you to mix one tablespoon of tea leaves with some (room temperature) water to create a thick paste that can be applied to the skin. Try using this home remedy two to three times a week – the results might really surprise you!
6. Milk and honey – make your own pore strip
If you’ve searched for how to get rid of blackheads on your nose, you’ve likely seen pore strips in stores. It turns out you can make your own, right at home, using milk and honey. Mix one tablespoon of milk with one tablespoon of honey and heat the mixture for around 10 to 15 seconds in your microwave. After you make sure your beauty product is cool enough, you apply it on your skin and cover it up with a cotton strip on top.
Why this helps? Honey offers antibacterial properties, while milk contains lactic acid, which is ideal for getting rid of dead skin cells. To maximize the effect of this sweet combo, you should make sure to let it sit on your face for around 15 minutes. Then you have to gently peel the cotton off and make sure to thoroughly wash and moisture the treated parts of your skin.