Dad Posted This Photo Of His Daughter And It sᴀᴠᴇᴅ Her Life
As new parents, we like to take pictures of ourselves and our little babies. But when this dad took a funny picture of his daughter, he had no idea he was about to save her life…
When he took a picture of his daughter in her first bath, he found her expression funny and posted the picture online.
The father uploaded the photo to social media, and the image received a lot of attention. Thousands of people found the photo funny and commented with funny comments like “She’s going to be a rebel and marry a poor guy with no tattoos.”

“Are the eyes a little yellow? It looks like that to me, but it’s hard to tell because the whole picture is a little yellow. It’s probably nothing, but it could be a symptom of jaundice. If her skin and eyes do indeed look a little yellow, then you might want to check. I am a paranoid pediatrician, hence my concern. ”
The father took this comment to heart and immediately took his daughter to the doctor. The doctor’s paranoid comment was confirmed: his newborn had jaundice and the doctor probably saved her life with that scary comment.
While jaundice can be common in young children, if left untreated, it is potentially deadly or can cause severe brain damage. While many people find it pointless to post and read comments online, this time you saved her a life! Kudos to the caring doctor. We definitely need more caring people like him.,,