10 Alarming Signs a Woman Is Flirting with Your Husband
1. She’s Always Giving Him Compliments
When a woman compliments your husband every time she gets a chance, she will inflate his ego and make him feel special. She may even make him feel s3xually desirable and that is when things can get a little touchy. Will your husband take the compliment and just give himself a pat on the back that he’s still attractive? I’m sure that he will take the bait and give in to temptation. If your husband is insecure, make sure you step in and let him know you still appreciate him. Otherwise, he may stray to the woman giving him all the attention he needs.

2. She Complains About Her Love Interests
Whenever she is in a relationship with someone, problems seem to pop up about the guy. Every time it happens, she runs to your husband for advice on how to handle the situation. She treats him as her trusted friend that she can share anything with and she does. She is playing with his sympathetic side, wanting him to feel sorry for her and that he is the only person who can make her feel better. He wants to save the damsel in distress, a fantasy most man have, and she is willing to make it come true.
3. She Texts or Calls Him Late at Night
There is no legitimate reason for another woman to call your man or text messages late at night or in the early morning hours. This is one of the most evident signs a woman is flirting with your husband. If your husband tells you about the calls and texts, then it’s neccessary to ask him to remind her he is a taken man and it needs to stop. However, if you discover the inappropriate communication on your own, he may be encouraging it. If this is the case, you need to tell him it needs to cease immediately or he can pack his bags. If you don’t nip it in the rear right away, it can easily escalate into secret escapades.

4. She Always Looks Her Best Around Him
Her makeup is flawless, her hair perfectly smooth and shiny, and her outfit hugs all the right curves? It seems as though every time your husband shows up somewhere, she is there looking her best. Well, she is attracted to your man and she wants him to feel the same, so she makes sure she looks great when he is around. She will ensure he sees her. She might ask him to help her reach something or to direct her to the ladies’ room. Once she catches his gaze, she will do all she can to keep his eyes on her.
5. She Wants Him to Be Jealous
Sometimes when a woman is attracted to a man, she will bring around other men to make him jealous. She will try her best to make your husband notice her and her handsome companion. She will laugh loudly at her date’s jokes or will kiss him provocatively, hoping your man wishes it was him in her company instead.
6. She Wants to Be Friends with Him, But Not So Much You
It is true, there is a lot of men and women who have friends of the opposite sex, but typically these are acquaintances made before you met or from childhood or college. A new friendship with a woman can be a red flag if she only wants to be friends with him and really has no interest in hanging out with you in tow. It’s even worse if she acts as if you don’t exist when you accompany them or if you run into each other without your husband around. If a woman only wants to be a friend to one of your twosome and it’s not you, it time to cut her off.
7. She and He Are Close Social Media “Friends”
Many men and women are friends on social media. However, when she is paying extra attention to his posts and photos, it is among the signs a woman is flirting with your husband. Part of the reason people post information and photos on social media is so that others know what they are up to and to boast about accomplishments. If she is your husband’s number one fan, you may need to pull in the reigns, especially if their communication online is becoming flirtatious and is interfering with family or bed time. Keep this woman out of your husband, even if she isn’t physically there.
8. She Is Too Touchy-Feely
If a woman takes every opportunity to touch your man, she is probably flirting with him. Perhaps she sits too close, making sure her knee is rubbing against his leg. Maybe she is always finding an excuse to slide between him and someone else in a cramped corridor, pushing her body against his as she passes. When he says anything, she laughs too loud and grabs his arm. When she interrupts a conversation, she touches his shoulder to say excuse me. If one of this these happens all the time, she is sending signals to your man that she is interested in him.

9. She Tries to Be Like You
You are beginning to suspect a woman might be interested in your man and now she is wearing and doing the same things that you are. Your signature weekend attire is skinny jeans and a white button-down shirt with a ball cap and next time you run into her on a Saturday, she is practically wearing the same thing. You started taking a cooking class and guess who shows up at the next class. When you and she are engaged in the same conversation with your husband and others, she is always outdoing you. You were prom queen, she was Miss Teen USA. She is trying to show your husband she can offer him the same goods as you, but only better.
10. She Is Always There for Him
One of the warning signs a woman is flirting with your husband is she is always there for him, no matter the circumstance, time of day, day of the week, no matter what. She agrees with everything says, takes his side on every argument. Why? She wants him to get mad enough to leave you and she is waiting for him with open arms. Even if he doesn’t have a romantic interest in her, heated emotions can take over.