Home Tricks-Tips A Very Powerful Natural Remedy Against Diabetes, Cholesterol and Fatigue!

A Very Powerful Natural Remedy Against Diabetes, Cholesterol and Fatigue!

Okra is a typical vegetable of the African diet . It is also found in southern Europe, India, the Middle East, the West Indies and South America. ad Okra , also called okra , is eaten raw, cooked and sometimes in dehydrated form.

Its particular flavor and texture , as well as the nutritional compounds it contains, make it a vegetable that deserves to be known. It preserves eye health Okra contains vitamins C and E as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which have a protective effect on vision .

In fact, they help delay vision loss and reduce the risk of developing eye pathologies such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Keep fatigue away Unfortunately the word “fatigue” has become a common problem in today’s world .

What was once associated with age and illness is now a daily struggle for healthy young people . Okra seeds can keep fatigue at bay thanks to their content of antioxidant polyphenols and flavonoids that promote glycogen storage in the liver. Glycogen is a fuel reserve for the body.

This way, you will be able to combat the feeling of unexplained fatigue . It kills cancer cells in the breasts In one study, a lectin isolated from okra was able to induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells . The proliferation of breast tumor cells was significantly inhibited at 63%. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lifetime . Incorporating okra into your diet can help immensely in lowering this staggering statistic.

Okra helps manage diabetes Okra has properties similar to insulin , it helps reduce blood sugar levels. It also has a low glycemic index . Which makes it a good vegetable for people with diabetes. In a study published in 2011, researchers in India found a significant reduction in the blood sugar levels of diabetic rats fed okra extract . ad Okra reduces bad cholesterol Okra may also reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood .

In a study published in 2014, researchers demonstrated that the hypolipidemic activity of okra extract offers anti-cholesterol properties . It inhibits the activity of pancreatic cholesterol esterase , as well as the formation of cholesterol micelles. Binds to bile acids, which delays the absorption of cholesterol and increases its excretion.

Additionally, it does not contain saturated fats or cholesterol . All these properties allow it to prevent heart disease and health problems caused by high cholesterol levels.