Home relationship 8 Signals From The Universe That This Man Is Not For You

8 Signals From The Universe That This Man Is Not For You

8 Signals From The Universe That This Man Is Not For You

1. Your relatives and friends do not like your chosen one

If your loved one is not liked by your parents and friends and they are trying to dissuade you from staying with them, it might be worth listening to their advice.

2. The more you interact with him, the worse you feel

Perhaps you have come to tolerate things that you could not tolerate before. Maybe your self-esteem is low because he suppresses it, even if it’s hidden or unconscious. If you see such “red lights”, increase attention.

3. After every meeting with your beloved, something negative happens

Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe not. But is it worth the risk? When the universe wants to divert us from the path we have taken, because it is wrong and not our path, it sends us calamities.

4. Something is wrong with him, but you don’t know exactly what

That’s right, don’t underestimate a woman’s sense and intuition. Even when you are overwhelmed by its charms. Do not rush into the relationship headlong and without thinking about the possible consequences. Maybe soon you will meet someone with whom nothing will bother you.

5. You feel emotionally drained after talking to him

They suck the energy out of you. Love should serve as an inspiration, it should give you wings, make you feel in the “seventh heaven”. If it doesn’t, maybe it’s not love. Remember that every person deserves their fate.

6. Everything seems to be against you

If it seems like the whole world and all the people and circumstances seem to have conspired to prevent your relationship, then you are most likely not meant to be together. The universe wants to show you this unequivocally.

7. You feel that your happiness is temporary, although there is no real reason for it

It’s a strangely painful sensation, but it’s so strong that you can’t ignore it. And you better pay attention to it. A woman’s intuition is very strong. Even if they have no logical explanation, these fears are not to be ignored.

8. You have to pretend around him

But this is the worst. Because nothing will change or improve if you pretend. It is better to wait for true happiness.