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5 Dumb Mistakes Smart Women Make With Men

5 Dumb Mistakes Smart Women Make With Men

1. Thinking you shouldn’t be beautiful.

The stigma in today’s world is that beauty and intelligence do not go together. Feeling beautiful is an essential aspect of a woman’s life.
Don’t make the mistake of making your appearance trivial or secondary.

2. Thinking you have to prove your point

Successful flirting relies heavily on how you make a man feel about you. If your date makes a statement that you don’t agree with or know for a fact is false, don’t make a big deal about it. You’re smart enough to know that you don’t need to see him again if he’s not right for you.

3. Thinking that smarter means better.

Putting down another woman who seems less intelligent than you only makes you look like a fool. It’s negative, unladylike, pretentious and judgmental. Praise other women. Find something good to say, even if the man is pushing you to say something mean.

4. Thinking your resume matters.

A man is impressed that you’re talking to him. What you do, who you know, and where you graduated from only impress men who are looking to use your credentials to make themselves seem important

5. Thinking more is less.

When you meet a man you want him to want to get to know more about you. Don’t share everything you know. Give a quick preview, a sound bite, a hint of what you know. If this man wants to know more, he’ll have to take you on a date or call you on the phone. Listening is far more attractive than talking and the most intelligent women know this. Don’t make the mistake of being long winded.