Home relationship 10 Differences between Loving Someone and being in Love with Someone

10 Differences between Loving Someone and being in Love with Someone

10 Differences between Loving Someone and being in Love with Someone

1. Excitement and desire vs. deep connection and comfort

Being in love is a giddy experience like a sugar rush of the emotions. You appreciate all the good things about them and feel like you’re walking on sunshine.

Loving someone is a bit different and gives a feeling of deep connection and comfort. You don’t necessarily feel so excited and everything isn’t brand new.

2. You can’t control your feelings vs. you choose to love them

Loving someone is a commitment and a choice you make to stick by someone and be patient and kind. You can also choose to stop caring about someone, to walk away and forget about them.

Being in love is not a choice. It’s something that can happen without your intention or consent, and it’s not something you can walk away from. If you leave, you’ll take the feeling of being in love with you.

3. You always want them around vs. you’re fine giving each other space

You can become desperate for their attention and it can drive you crazy when you don’t have it.

Time and distance won’t destroy and even though you love being around them you’re perfectly fine giving them space and spending time apart, too.

4. How They Make You Feel Vs. How You Make Them Feel

When you love someone the way they make you feel isn’t your focus. Instead, you take your greatest joy from how amazing you can make them feel.

Loving someone is measured through the work and effort you put in to make your lover happy. When you love someone, each other’s happiness is what matters more.

5. Ownership Vs. Partnership

Being in love with someone may come with a strong sense of ownership and control over that person.

However, loving someone allows you to set the right boundaries with one another and feel more like each other’s equal partners.

6. Your feelings fluctuate vs. your feelings stay steady

Feelings are powerful, and they can change faster than we expect.

When you love your partner, you work together to move past the roadblocks in your relationship. You understand them and always put in the effort to make the relationship last.

7. You feel giddy and nervous vs. stable and committed

When you’re in love you feel giddy and nervous. You’re buckled in on an emotional rollercoaster, getting to know someone on such a deep level physically, spiritually and in every way.

When you love someone, You are going along, enjoying each other’s company and the beauty, together on the journey and committed to each helping out.

8. You crave their approval and attention vs. you are secure in your relationship

When you fall in love one of the worst things that can happen is for your feelings to not be returned. For this reason, the craving for approval is extremely strong.

When you love someone it’s different, they won’t necessarily like every single thing about you but you also trust that any serious issues will be discussed openly and with honesty. You’re not craving approval.

9. Desire Vs. Priority

Being in love with someone starts with physical attraction and admiration. And you tend to put yourself first when you are just in love with someone.

You admire them for their good qualities and always want the best for them – even if it involves putting their needs above yours.

10. Changes Vs. Acceptances

When you are in love with your partner, you may not be willing to overlook all of their annoying quirks.

To love someone truly means to genuinely care about them. But, you do not necessarily have to accept the bad or negative traits of your partner. If they love you, they will be willing to work on their flaws to some extent, too.