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9 Things Good Men Should Never Do in a Relationship You Deserve at least this much.

9 Things Good Men Should Never Do in a Relationship You Deserve at least this much.

1. A good man will trust you and never invade your privacy.

You need to trust the other person not only with your feelings, but also with your security and future. If you can’t even trust your partner with the little things in life, how can you trust yourself with the big things?

2. A good man will never discourage you.

You deserve to have someone by your side who will always support you and love you for who you are. You need to know that your partner has seen you at your worst and still thinks you’re the best person they can be with.

3. A good man will recognize your worth; he won’t make you feel the need to prove it to him.

Your partner loves you, finds you irresistible and is very attracted to you. You should be with people who value who you are, not what you do or how you sell yourself to them.

4. A good man will never make you feel like an afterthought.

If you feel like you are waiting for him to come home more than you are actually with him, it’s time to step back and rethink the direction of your relationship.

5. A good man will never make you feel like you’re alone in your relationship.

You deserve someone who gets up every morning and is committed to doing and being the best he can for you. A good man knows how to make you happy.

6. A good man will never cheat on you.

A good man will never cheat on you in a relationship because cheating means going back on your word or breaking a promise to someone you love.

7. A good man will never disrespect you.

A good man shows respect to everyone around him. He will always value your wishes and feelings.

8. A good man will never avoid important conversations.

A good man understands that no problem can be solved until it is faced. There is a difference between picking your battles and avoiding conflict altogether – the important thing is to know when to stand your ground and when to fold.

9. A good man will NEVER mistreat you.

A good man recognizes that his confidence and worth comes from himself and never from an attempt to place others below him.