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Reasons Why A Woman Leaves the Man She Loves, What Every Man Needs to Know

Reasons Why A Woman Leaves the Man She Loves, What Every Man Needs to Know

Here are some reasons where a woman leaves the man, even though she loves him:

1. The guy isn’t physically present

If He can’t even bother to be there and watch her triumphs and failures and just be present, why would she need him at all. She can very well handle it all on her own till she finds someone who appreciates her and shows it.

2. She feels like she can’t be herself

Love is not about changing yourself to make someone else happy. It’s about being accepted the way you are and working through the issues—together. If she feels like she has to change in order to be accepted, there is no way she can be happy in such a relationship.

3. He doesn’t support her when she needs him the most

Support is very important for us to go through life. Because no matter how weak or strong an individual might be, there are enough moments in life when they are tested. If the man in her life gets a distance while she’s going through a tough time in her life, then what’s the point?

4. He is unable to make her feel valued

If her efforts are not appreciated, she will stop making any. Because trying her best to make the other person happy, only to be neglected, is draining her strength. Once she runs out of it, she will simply walk away.

5. There is no respect

A woman who is not respected in her relationship is not a happy woman. And she will most definitely walk away, because being treated without respect is the worst possible way to be treated.

6. There is no emotional compatibility

If the guy isn’t emotionally mature enough to be with her, sooner or later it will start causing problems in the relationship. And because a woman would care about her emotional well being, even if the guy is incapable of doing so, she will not continue to be with him.

7. She’s tired of being compared to other women

If someone who is supposed to be his biggest support is the one who brings her down, then that person is not worth staying with. That person is no longer worthy of her love.

8. There is no effort in the relationship anymore

If she is the only one who puts in effort, she will soon get tired of that shit. And once she stops putting any effort into the relationship, consider it dead for good.