Home relationship Ladies, Here’s Why You Should NEVER Chase A Man

Ladies, Here’s Why You Should NEVER Chase A Man

Ladies, Here’s Why You Should NEVER Chase A Man

1. Because if you have to chase him, it means he doesn’t love you enough.

When you feel the need to chase to maintain the relationship, it’s a clear sign that he’s not that interested in you and doesn’t really want you.

Don’t let anyone play hard to get, because you deserve someone who can’t wait to be in your presence, someone who will want to spend their free time with you.

2. It hurts your self-esteem

If you’re chasing a man who isn’t interested in you, it can really hurt your self-esteem. Chasing someone who isn’t interested in you makes you feel like you’re worthless and don’t deserve his attention. This is not true. You deserve better than that.

Instead of chasing after them, learn to keep your value high by keeping your distance and increasing your perceived value.

3. You are no longer a challenge

When you pursue a man, you are simply showing him that you like him so much that you are willing to swallow your pride and pursue him. He no longer feels challenged and loses interest in you. Men like a challenge and, more importantly, they don’t like easy wins.

4. You will look desperate

A woman goes hunting because she is anxious and worried that she will never meet a man like him. While hunting, a woman gives off desperate vibes and most men will be repelled by this.

5. He’s not the one

If you have to chase after him, then he’s not the one for you. So, if you catch yourself chasing someone, you have to ask yourself if they care enough about you when they force you to chase them,

6. Maybe he just wants s3x

So there is a possibility of getting the man you chased but only because he wanted you to chase him. Because, let’s face it, men who don’t want to be chased are not the ones who want to commit to others, so it makes sense that when they decide to get caught, they only do it to get one thing. When it gets boring, they leave.

7. You are doomed to a one-way love

Even if you catch him, you won’t be happy. It will probably be a relationship in which you will try to solve all the problems and will always be the person to blame when something goes wrong.