Home relationship 6 Behaviours You Should Not Tolerate From A Man At Any Cost

6 Behaviours You Should Not Tolerate From A Man At Any Cost

6 Behaviours You Should Not Tolerate From A Man At Any Cost

1. Throw insults at him.

Whether this is done in your presence or in your absence, a man who truly loves you will never insult you. It is another sure sign that you are not giving him the respect and kindness required in a relationship. You don’t have to tolerate this from any man .

2. He makes a joke of you in public.

This can make you feel very humiliated and you need to stop him from doing it. Under no circumstances should your partner, or any other individual, humiliate you or say anything that will damage your self-esteem.

3. Pushes you around

If he forces you to do things you don’t like. He may even make you dump on your dreams just to pursue his dreams. Don’t tolerate behavior like this.

4. Hang out with other girls.

Cheating is a big no-no, and can never be accepted, no matter the circumstances. This shows that you are not his priority, and men like him can break your heart at any opportunity. Don’t tolerate behavior like this.

5. Doesn’t take your advice.

This means that he thinks your opinion is not important. A man who loves you should respect you to the extent that he listens to your advice. Your opinion is important in a relationship and if a man loves you, he always listens to you.

6. He αвusєs you physically

This is absolutely reason to leave your relationship. If your partner resorts to víσlєncє or hurts you in any way, she says to connect with a loved one or trusted professional to help you safely remove yourself from the situation.