Home relationship Men, The following are Three things that your woman desires at night...

Men, The following are Three things that your woman desires at night before she goes to sleep but never tells you.

Men, The following are Three things that your woman desires at night before she goes to sleep but never tells you.

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Most women think that you will know certain things intuitively, so they won’t always tell you. It is your duty as a man to understand what a woman wants at any given time without her explicitly telling you. She won’t tell you the following three things she wants from you at night.

1. Before she goes to bed, she wants nice goodnight kisses.

This shows your genuine interest in her. Sharing a kiss with your loved one before bed takes your mind off the stress of the day. Kissing lowers the stress hormone, cortisol, and increases serotonin levels in the brain. You and your wife will sleep peacefully and soundly.

2. They want to exchange “I love you’s.”

Despite all the hassles of the day, the quirks and annoyances you feel towards each other, and the worrisome feelings about the day ahead, make an effort to let your partner know that she is loved. And rather than saying it with your last gasp of the night, say it like you really feel it.

3. They set aside time to talk about the day and open up about their feelings.

Your wife wants you to listen to her stresses without feeling the need to take charge or solve problems. Your wife tends to appreciate this opportunity and just feeling understood allows her to be ready for the next day’s stresses. Make it a point to really listen to each other in the hours before bedtime. You should sit down, make eye contact, nod to show you are listening and ask questions.