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Four Reasons Why Men Suddenly Stopped Chasing You – Even When You Wanted Him To

Four Reasons Why Men Suddenly Stopped Chasing You – Even When You Wanted Him To

1. He doesn’t see you as a potential romantic relationship partner

He is no longer interested in you. If a man is interested, he will pursue you all the way. The moment he loses interest, he will decide to move on and spend his energies elsewhere.

2. Being too available

If every time your man asks you to do something, he is free and ready to go, where is the chase in that? He was drawn to you in the first place because he was living a well-rounded and fulfilling life that he was pleased with. If he feels that he is your only source of happiness and fulfillment. That is too much pressure for him to handle, and he will probably run away. Keep your life balanced, busy, and fun.

3. He doesn’t feel that he can really win.

He feels that you are not interested in him. .Playing hard and playing hard is different from turning a man down. When you do this, they begin to think that the woman is not interested in them. Men like the chase, but to a certain extent. No one wants to come off desperate or clingy all the time.

4. He’s dating other people

If a guy has stopped pursuing you, chances are he is seeing other people. He may have found someone more compatible with him. Of course, stalking him doesn’t translate into being exclusive with you!