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If Your Guy Does These 6 Things, He’s Playing You For A Fool

If Your Guy Does These 6 Things, He’s Playing You For A Fool

1. He tells you that he doesn’t want a relationship, but you date him anyway.

He tells you right away that he doesn’t want a relationship and then engages you in an interesting conversation. He gives you bits of hope that you can be a couple someday, but chances are that won’t happen.When a man says he doesn’t want a relationship, you have to believe him and move on. He will not change, even if you hope. This “relationalization” will only result in heartbreak.

2. He flirts with you, but nothing more

If you are just waiting for him to finally ask you to something or waiting for him to ask you on a date, you are wasting your time.

You have to understand that when a man wants to be with a woman, he will be with her and only her. If he doesn’t want to be with you, he won’t make any kind of effort.

3. He apologizes, but continues to hurt you

With a guy like this, you’re going to cry a lot. He is not the kind of man who can give you the love you so desire. So give him a one-way ticket and be happy because you saved yourself from a man like this.

4. He texts you, but you don’t have time to see him.

If a man keeps you around but never has time to see you, it’s because he doesn’t want to. He keeps you around just in case, but if he really loved you, he would make time to see you.

5. He brings “take” to your place, but you never leave.

The two of you somehow always end up in your place. He doesn’t want to meet you in public places because if he did, he would be risking that another girl might see him with you and she won’t want to be his booty anymore. A man like this is definitely not a keeper.

6. Always make dates because he doesn’t do it.

If he is the only one making plans for both of you, it is a sign that he doesn’t respect you and doesn’t care about your feelings. It seems like you are the only one trying and that he just wants to get what he wants and get out of your life. So if you cherish yourself, you need to get rid of him.