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These men are the most dαngєrσus to marry, just think before making a relationship

These men are the most dαngєrσus to marry, just think before making a relationship

These men are the most dangerous to marry, think before you commit to a relationship.

1. The perfect eligible bachelor

This guy is well-mannered, intelligent, attractive, witty and successful. Wondering why this perfect single hasn’t found the right woman yet? Chances are, it’s you. Or so he’d have you believe.

But dating Mr. Forever Single is an uphill battle because there is no perfect woman – and there never will be. Just when you expect your relationship to get serious, he backs out.

Spot him before you’re hooked: He’s not introducing you to his friends or family, which means he’s in no hurry to fully integrate you into his life.

2. Living off your money

He will play on your natural affinity for care and maintenance. He will start to demand small things from you. But eventually his requests for gifts will become larger and larger, until one day you find yourself buying a car from him, co-signing a loan or putting a down payment on a house.

He will try to convince you that “it’s for us” and that you will have to pay for it.

When the going gets tough, not only will he break your heart, but he’ll put you deep into debt and ruin your credit rating.

Spot it before you’re hooked: When it’s time to pay, his wallet is missing – it’s in his other pants, he left it at home, he’s out of money until he gets paid.

3. The mother’s listener

He is kind, loving and understanding. But these types of men don’t listen to anyone but their mother, in the end. They are too emotionally dependent on their mother and if a woman enters their love life, there will be little room for her, because the relationship is a three-way, not just a two-way.

Spot it before you get hooked: He compares you to his mother – and you don’t measure up every time.

4. Mr. Control Freak

Dating this man is like dating a boa constrictor. At first, his embrace may feel warm and safe. But soon, you’ll be suffocating.

It starts with going to the restaurants he chooses, seeing the movies he chooses, spending time with his friends.
But eventually, he tries to dictate everything from what you wear to how you spend your free time.

How he’ll attract you: All this attention is certainly flattering. After all, he must really love you if he cares so much about you, takes such good care of you and wants to be with you all the time, right?

Spot it before you’re hooked: He insists on orchestrating all your dates and tells you how to dress or behave with his friends.