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8 Little Things That Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated In A Relationship

8 Little Things That Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated In A Relationship

It’s not so much about big, over-the-top gestures. Think about the little ways you make him feel loved every day.

1. Happy and make him happy

Clear your head for a minute before you see each other so you can feel happy and excited and not bring the stress of your day with you.

  • When you see him, smile.
  • When you think of something about him that makes you happy, tell him or text it to him, even if it’s out of the blue.

2. Compliment him 

Guys love to be noticed, respected, and admired by everyone but particularly by their special one.

  • Tell him he’s handsome.
  • Tell him how loved and how happy he makes you feel.
  • Tell him when you’re proud of him.
  • Always be on his side.
  • Tell him what a great partner he is, point out reasons this is true.

3. Tell him you appreciate what he does for you and your family.

Say ‘thank you’ every time he makes an effort to do something nice for you, or for your future together. Knowing someone is grateful for what you do never gets old.

  • Say “I appreciate you”.
  • Thank him for being such a good partner to you

4. Love him with his love language

Find out what his love language is. It’s easiest for some people to feel loved in specific ways. When you find out which way this is, you can make sure you are communicating your feelings in the way they will best be able to “hear” you.

5. Take care him.

  • When it’s hot, bring him a cold beverage unprompted. When it’s cold, bring him tea or hot chocolate.
  • Learn how to give a great back massage, and give him one without him asking — or you needing one in return.
  • Buy supplies to make fancy cocktails at home one night when you get home from work.
  • Get up early and make pancakes or another fancy breakfast before work one day — the kind of thing that’s usually reserved for weekends.
  • Pack his lunch for him and leave a love note in with his favorite kind of sandwich.

6. Do the sweet little things to take care of him

  • Keep his favorite beer in your fridge.
  • Figure out what his favorite meal is, and learn how to make an exceptional version of it.
  • Put his favorite candy and a nice note in his bag before he leaves for a trip.
  • Bring him coffee in bed when you wake up before he does.
  • When you’re going to be gone for awhile, make his favorite cookies, bars, or cake for him to eat while you’re gone.

7. Show your love with physical touch

  • Tell him you miss him, when you do.
  • Hug him hello, hug him goodbye.
  • Rub his arm when you’re sitting next to him.
  • Refuse to let him leave without a kiss on his forehead.
  • Run your hands through his hair.
  • Rub his feet when he’s been on them all day.

8. If you’ve having relationship issues

Think clearly about them and what the most productive kind of conversation would be — and then have it. Don’t let yourself keep it inside until you are nagging or making mean, offhand remarks because you haven’t addressed what’s bothering you.