Home Health 5 Symptoms that may indicate that you have LEUKEM1A and you didn’t...

5 Symptoms that may indicate that you have LEUKEM1A and you didn’t know it

Leukemia is a serious disease that can happen at any time in a person’s life. However, it is usually more popular between the ages of 50 and 70.

It is a silent type of canc3r in which the production of new red blood cells and platelets is weakened because the bone marrow, the major producer of these cells, is affected by the proliferation of malignant or cancerous cells.

This disease can show in several ways, so its symptoms can change. But there are 5 specific ones that should not be ignored.

Bruising and bleeding easily

You might have:

  • nosebleeds
  • bleeding gums when you clean your teeth
  • very heavy periods
  • small dark red spots on your skin
  • blood in your urine or poo (stool)

You notice that you are bruising more easily than normal.

Frequent infections

You might suffer from infections such as coughs and colds easily. Or you might find that the infections take a long time or are difficult to remove.

Shortness of breath

You might feel breathless when doing your normal day to day activities or after climbing a short flight of stairs.

Swollen lymph nodes

Your lymph nodes might feel bloated when you touch them. We have lymph nodes almost everywhere in our body. But they can felt easily in certain areas such as:

  • your neck
  • under your arm
  • in your groin

Feeling full in your abdomen

You might have a feeling of fullness or discomfort in your abdomen. This can occure if your liver or spleen Open a glossary item are swollen.