Home Moral Stories A Sleepover Surprise: A Night of Confusion

A Sleepover Surprise: A Night of Confusion

When I was in about 1st grade, my best friend at the time had a lot of temper tantrums.

We were having a sleepover and I fell asleep in her bedroom. In the middle of the night, I woke up in a different bed with her father.

I was so confused, but he explained that she had a temper tantrum and her mom went to sleep in her bed with her, so they moved me to the guest room.

I was young and didn’t understand that’s not normal that he was sleeping in the same bed as me, just him and me. I told my parents when I went home the next day, and they were extremely concerned asking me if he touched me, etc.

I was highly confused because my pure innocent mind didn’t understand the concept of that lol. Now as an adult I’m like, why didn’t they just move me to the other room, why did the dad have to get in bed with me?

They’re truly good people and nothing happened, but it’s weird.