Home Quiz A Man And His Dog Walk Into A Pub. This Is Super...

A Man And His Dog Walk Into A Pub. This Is Super Funny.

A man and his dog walk into a pub.

The landlord said,

“Sorry, we don’t allow animals in here.”

The man replied, “But my dog can talk. Will you let him in, if he talks?”

The landlord chuckled and shook his head saying,

“Yeah, sure, why not?”.

The man looked at his dog and smiled,

“Alright! What’s on the outside of a tree?”.

The dog said, “Bark”.

“What’s on top of a house?”,

he asked next. “Roof!” the dog responded.

“What’s the opposite of smooth?”, he finally said.

“Ruff!”, the dog said.

The landlord snapped and stamped his feet on the ground saying,

“That’s it. Get out of my bar.”

The man sighed and walked out of the bar with his dog.

Outside the pub, the man shouted at the dog saying,

“What the hell was that?!”.

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry,” the dog said.