8 Tips to Save Yourself from Someone Who Talks Too Much
An “entertaining” story about their granny, their cat, or just their walk to work: Some people just need to express their thoughts and can’t stop. Of course, it’s important to be polite and to not interrupt people, but this might get to a point where they start wasting your time on their mindless things. So, the most important thing to do here is to “fight” for yourself and know how to escape these people.
We brought you a list of 8 useful tips that can help you to finish any conversation that has gone way too far. Don’t worry, you won’t look ill-mannered, because you will know how to do it with style. Let’s get started!
1. Listening politely
What you should do before losing your patience when someone keeps on talking and talking is try to listen carefully to what they’re trying to tell you.
Before you get bored or pissed off, it’s necessary to rule out the chance that the other person is trying so hard to explain something or to tell you something important.
Maybe they don’t know how to express their feelings well or they just want to be appreciated. However, if they truly have something important to say, then it shouldn’t take long for you to get the idea or for them to stop talking.
You just need to stay a polite listener until you have to become a polite conversation shutter.
2. Keep asking about the main point
It can happen that the person just keeps deviating from the topic, talking more about the irrelevant things and details. In this case, it will be good to remind them what the main point of your conversation is. You can also question them about it, so they will have to return from heaven to earth. After all, it’s good to show people that they need to respect your time.
3. Sorry to interrupt you, but…
You might try to politely ask about the point and give them all the signs that you really cannot continue to listen to useless information, yet, they just won’t stop talking.
What you need to do in this case is to be highly assertive and ask them firmly and confidently (but also politely) if they wouldn’t mind you interrupting them.
Depending on the person’s personality, they may either pay attention that they’ve been talking longer than they should or ask you to let them finish just this one (very long) thing.
If the person you’re talking to is from the latter category, then you don’t have a choice and should better let them finish what they’re trying to say, however, the second they try to move on to a different topic, firmly interrupt them again.
4. Turning the tables
After interrupting them, you can “turn the tables.” Instead of stopping the conversation completely, you can add a comment about them. Adding a similar mindless story about yourself, your dog, or your friend might actually have a positive effect. You will make them experience how you feel and they might stop talking.
5. Telling them you have no time
Some people just won’t get the politely hidden messages and would carry on as if nothing changed. This will make your efforts go to waste, along with plenty of your precious time.
That’s when you should give them a harder push by telling them you’re running out of time and cannot keep listening to them anymore.
You need to confidently and a bit harshly show that you are very busy and simply cannot waste any more of your time because it will affect your entire day or level of productivity.
If you want, you might add that you can resume the conversation later on after you’ve finished your obligations.
In case that person did come back to finish what they’ve started but you just cannot listen to them for another second, then excuse yourself and tell them you’re still extremely busy.

6. Agreeing on a specific talk time
Reminding them that you have a tight schedule can also do the trick. In some cases, you can even complain about the lack of time and the amount of things that need to be done. If you see that they really want to finish their talk, then propose a specific time when you can do it again. While doing this, you can emphasize one more time that it is not that easy for you to choose it, as you have a lot of work to get done.
7. Show your discontent
It can happen that they don’t care about anything and just can’t stop talking. They just want to tell their life story to anyone who they meet on their path. If none of your tricks to stop their speech worked, then you might just show that you dislike the situation. Your body language together with your annoyed facial expression will show them that their speech is not welcome anymore.
8. Leave! As simple as that.
Just leaving while that person might be still talking is definitely not polite, yet it’s quite effective.
It’s even necessary if your upset body language didn’t work and the one-sided conversation is keeping you from doing your tasks and enjoying a normal day.
It’s just time to get away and save yourself. Think about your time, obligations, and sanity.
References: brightside.me, habitsandroutines.com