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7 Things Your Man Will Do If He’s Head Over Heels In Love With You

7 Things Your Man Will Do If He’s Head Over Heels In Love With You

1. He wants to immerse you in his life.

He wants to immerse you in every aspect of his life so you know him through and through. He brings you to family gatherings, friend gatherings, social events, and always hugs you in front of other people. And he wants to know all your friends, your family too. He wants to show loud and clear that he is devoted to you. When he talks about his big plans, he includes you in them.

2. He always asks your opinion!

He asks you what you think about the situation at hand, he totally values your input. With this gesture, your man is also sending you the message that he wants to involve you in some of the choices, the way a man and his wife work, as partners. He is building “our life” and wants you to feel a part of it.

3. He wants what’s best for you

He supports you, cares about you and encourages you to do what you love, even if he’s not a part of it. He spends time with you, your family members and friends, and motivates you to follow your heart and fight for your dreams.

4. He puts you first

If you have something going on and you want him to be there, while he may have something going on and wants to be there, he will rearrange and put you first. He’s going to make sure that you know that you are his first priority, no matter what is going on.

5. He’s there for you when it’s not convenient.

Real relationships have their ups and downs. But when he’s in love with you, he takes the hits without flinching. He’ll be there for you, as he can be.

6. He won’t give up.

He’s not going to throw in the towel on your relationship, no matter what. He is considerably invested in your relationship and can’t imagine his life without you, so when the tough stuff happens, he’s there.

7. He keeps you in the loop.

This may seem like a small thing, but it’s actually a very important one. When he keeps you in the loop about his plans and what’s going on in his life, it means it’s important to him that you know what’s going on, even if you’re not involved.