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6 Signs You Are Too Emotionally Dependent On Your Partner, Not In Love

Signs That You Are Too Emotionally Dependent On Your Partner, Not In Love

1. Your happiness depends only on your partner’s state of mind.

You try to make sure that your partner is happy even when it might make you unhappy. You are too dependent on your partner to the point that you don’t want to make him unhappy under any circumstances. It is still important to be your own person with your own mind, otherwise you will always be unhappy because you are constantly stressed about how your partner is feeling.

2. You don’t engage in any activities alone

If you are able to easily go through your routine activities without your partner’s presence, you feel that you need his support while doing some of the routine tasks. This shows that you are being emotionally independent, which will be considered clingy.

3. Feeling lonely without a partner

You feel unbearable being without your partner, even for a moment, and may also feel restless. You may also harass them with repeated phone calls, if that is the case.

4. Your personality or physical appearance depends on what his like.

Your personality or physical appearance has changed based on what his significant other likes. This behavior has the potential to become toxic. If they don’t like you the way you are, you should not be with that person.

5. You get angry if your partner pays attention to someone else.

You get angry when your partner talks to, spends time with, or helps other people, even when it’s a best friend or sibling. You want their attention to be on you all the time, even if you know it’s hurting their other relationships. It’s fine to want some attention and validation, but allow your partner to nurture other relationships as well. Otherwise, they will become resentful and dissatisfied.

6. All you do is focus on your relationship.

You sacrifice your friends and family, even if your partner doesn’t ask you to. You literally do nothing else because you are so focused on making sure your relationship is perfect. This will only make you unhappy and dissatisfied.