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5 Signs He Loves You But Afraid Of Getting Hurt

5 Signs He Loves You But Is Scared To Fall For You

In some situations, a man even starts to like you, but he is terrified of the idea and tries to fight his feelings. So here are 5 signs that this is exactly what is happening with your man.

1. He sends you mixed signals

There are times when this man acts like you’re the love of his life and you have no doubt about his feelings for you. Then, all of a sudden, he starts acting like you don’t exist.

2. He doesn’t talk about his feelings

Even if you know he loves you, if he doesn’t talk about his feelings with you, it could be a sign that he’s afraid to fall in love with you.

3. He’s nervous around you

These are all signs of his affection for you. He is obviously struggling with his feelings and is having a hard time doing so.

4. His body language

He loves you when you catch him staring at you. Whenever the two of you are together, he is somehow close to you. It’s clear that he has very strong feelings for you and can’t take his eyes off you. But when you notice him and turn to look at him, he is the first to look away.

5. He is jealous and protective

If you notice that your boyfriend is always having your back, watching out for danger and making sure you are okay, then it must be love.
If he has strong feelings for you, he will be jealous. Of course, he won’t tell you directly about his jealousy, but you will certainly be able to sense it.

Reasons why he might be afraid to fall in love with you

1. He has been hurt in the past

He has been hurt in the past. This can affect his future relationships.

Often, one of the best things you can do for someone who has been hurt in the past is to make him feel safe in the relationship.

3. He is not sure if his feelings are mutual

If he’s not sure if his feelings are mutual or not, and he’s afraid that he loves you more than you love him, he may take a step back and be afraid to fall in love with you.

If you think this is why he is afraid to fall in love, you need to make a conscious effort to let him know that the feeling is mutual and that you like him as much as he likes you…