Our ex-lovers can be odd at times. You’ve broken up, but they text you years later and wonder how you could get married and have children. On the other hand, they simply remove everything from the apartment, including toilet paper, when they leave. After reading stories like this, you won’t even need to watch TV.
Story 1
I made my husband’s friends. They go hunting and fishing together; in short, they are close buddies. I recently came home and overheard them discussing. My current husband tells my ex, “It’s so hard to live with her!” And the ex exclaims, “I know, I lived with her!” Then they hugged. © Overheard / Ideer

Story 2
My ex-boyfriend got me a teddy bear with one paw holding a bouquet and the other a box. He understood how I felt about the dust collectors. I stated he’d rather have bought me burgers than this nonsense. We split up three years ago.
My nephew is playing with this bear and asks, “Why is a ring here?” There was a ring inside the box! Oh, this task was just too complicated for me! © Overheard / Ideer
Story 3
My son is eight years old and is finishing second grade. He has been buddies with a lad in his class since first grade, and they both go to the wrestling section. They now began to pay each other visits.
The youngster immediately reminded me of someone. However, his surname revealed nothing to me. I asked him what his mother and father’s names are.
This turned out to be the kid of my ex-husband and former best friend, who took him from me 11 years ago. Following the divorce, he changed his surname to his mother’s maiden name. I concluded that there was nothing wrong with the boys’ friendship and left things as they were. © Overheard / Ideer
Story 4
I’m a perfectionist, and I enjoy having an amount on my card that finishes in zero. And how annoying it is to have an ex who is blocked everywhere and sends you a dollar with a message attached. Spoils me all the beauty! © Overheard / Ideer

Story 5
I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago. He grieved for a long period, and I immediately began an affair with a colleague, and we plan to marry soon.
I recently came to work and discovered that my ex-boyfriend had been hired by our company. He’s currently seated in the office next door, tapping on his keyboard. I detest tiny towns. © Overheard / Ideer
Story 6
Seven years after my division, I married. First, my ex mentioned how he had never met anyone. Then he became sarcastic and begged me to show images of my hubby.
Finally, he posted on his social media status, “My ex married a creep and that’s why she won’t show me pictures of him.” What was that, anyway? © epo / ADME
Story 7
I packed my ex’s belongings; he took them and departed. The next day, he returned to argue, “You should have laundered them before you gave them to me!” © Catastrophe Me / ADME
Story 8
A friend of mine once dated a man who, after purchasing expensive items, such as sausage or cheese, would cut them for breakfast almost with a ruler and then take the rest with him to work to ensure that his lady did not eat them while he was away. © Anxiety Cake / ADME
Story 9
Once, a man welcomed me to his home for dinner and requested me to chop a salad. I combined a couple of tomatoes and 3-4 cucumbers to make a salad. He waited until I finished before nudging that all women are spenders, why did I chop such a mountain, we wouldn’t eat so much, what a waste of food…
I was perplexed, “Why didn’t you tell me at once, when I was just picking the vegetables and washing them?” And he said, “I was testing you on purpose!” And he is not a poor man. In general, I despise such tests. © CatKate / ADME
Story 10
Five years after the divorce, my ex came running after learning that I had a heart attack and requested that I marry him again. He went on: “You had a heart attack, you’re going to d.i.e soon, who will you leave the house to?” © Musichka / ADME

Story 11
It sounds like a joke, but six years after the breakup, my ex called me and said, “Hey, what are you doing this weekend?” I was like, “Um, I’m kind of married.” And he is like, “How come?” © Lena Slepokurova / ADME
Story 12
My ex-boyfriend, who had quietly left me to live with an ex-friend, contacted me a few months later and told me that “he can’t live with her” because she couldn’t cook, didn’t clean the home, and, worst of all, “she never irons my shirts.” I dated him for almost three months before realizing I was participating in a housekeeper casting call. I sincerely declined the award in the shape of a couch potato and traitor. © Victoria Gregor / ADME

Story 13
I had a brief office romance, at least for me. I got married, had a daughter, and quit that job. Suddenly, he begins phoning, saying he loves me and wants me to leave my husband and take my daughter with me. It lasted twelve years!
I blocked him and changed my phone number, but he somehow learned my new number. It all came to an end when I received a message beginning with “y” and followed by a few letters. When I meet my pals, I mention this “y” and we giggle. And the dude finally quit texting; he couldn’t discover my new phone number for some reason. © Elena Fedorovich / ADME
Story 14
When I divorced my first husband, he paid the remaining portion of the mortgage for the apartment we bought together with our shared savings, claiming that he received the money by taking out a new loan. And, during the divorce, he offered to give up my half of the apartment because he paid the majority of the mortgage.
I’m not sure what he was betting on, because the truth came out soon. We were married for eight years, and I felt I knew him well. Obviously, I didn’t. © Catherine / ADME

Story 15
A co-worker got married, and her new husband gave her a mink coat. After a while, the bloke started cheating and then left her for someone else. And took the fur coat.
Long story short, he came back after a while. And he brought the coat back with him. Apparently, this fur coat was his challenge cup. © Elizaveta Mochalkina / ADME