As children, we frequently fail to understand the complexities of the world and the obstacles that our parents encounter. However, as we grow older, we gain a better knowledge of their experiences and can even empathize with their decisions. Today, we’re presenting some incredibly poignant and shocking discoveries about their immediate relatives over time, demonstrating that every family has secrets.
Story 1
My siblings and I grew up impoverished. Our parents worked tirelessly, saving whenever they could. No treats, no pocket money—that was just how things were. That’s why I was surprised when, on my 18th birthday, they gave me a savings account booklet with my name on it.
It turns out that they had been carefully accumulating every spare cent for my college education for years. They had foregone their indulgences, such as new clothes and holidays, to give me a head start in life.
Story 2
My parents were always especially silent and melancholy around my birthday. I assumed it was just the stress of preparing a party or reflecting on how rapidly I was growing up. I brushed it off until my 18th birthday when my mother gave me an old, battered photo album.
I froze as I flicked through the pages and saw a picture of myself as a baby—but it wasn’t just me. There was another baby beside me. My parents revealed that I had a twin sister who d.i.e.d from an illness when we were newborns. They had kept it a secret because they did not want me to grow up feeling incomplete.

Story 3
During summer vacation, my mother would make me a sandwich for dinner and send me outside. I was never allowed to return before two a.m. We then abruptly left the town.
Years later, our next-door neighbor came to see me and told me I had “the best mother in the world”. She began telling me things I never noticed as a child and never learned later because my mother passed when I was 13.
She explained that her mother was a card reader who required the house to be empty and peaceful to conduct long sessions with clients. Being present in our one-room apartment would have been a distraction, so I had to stay outside.
Hearing this made me admire my mother even more. I knew she worked long days as a waitress to support me as a single mother, but I had no idea she also worked the nights to improve my life. She is my hero.
Story 4

Story 5

Story 6

Story 7

Story 8

Story 9

Story 10

Story 11

Story 12

Story 13

Story 14

Children, with their innocence and carelessness, can say things that leave their parents utterly embarrassed, much like the awkward and sometimes hilarious stories shared here.