Classrooms have changed so much while we were in school!
Each era has a distinct feel and smell. The scents of chalk dust and library books were a significant part of our education back then. Today’s classrooms have altered dramatically since we were students. A few things we wouldn’t miss, but others are etched in our memories in profound ways, even the minor ones! Here are a handful of the things we did in school that are no longer part of most children’s daily lives.
#12: Learning Baton Twirling

This is still taught in some schools, but it’s not as common. Most girls currently learn baton through a private gymnastics studio. This art form/sport was previously quite popular during band concerts, school games, and parades when students represented their school. It is a sport that is on the decline, not just because there are fewer opportunities to learn it, but also because there are so many other hobbies available to girls nowadays. It’s wonderful that girls now have so many options, but wow, do we miss those glittery majorette outfits!
#11: Morning Prayer

Sometimes it was a prayer chosen by the school, and other times it was one that the instructor preferred (or made up on the spot). We recall starting each morning like this while we were in school. This was especially true if you attended Catholic school. There is greater freedom to be oneself these days, and we love it! But we’ll never forget this part of our school day.
#10: Learning Cursive

Cursive writing instruction is almost as contentious as prayer in schools. Cursive is now a mystery to many children! Most children will not be given the opportunity to learn cursive. There are even young individuals who only know how to print because handwriting declined as computers became more common in schools. You hear arguments that investing time in learning is not worthwhile in today’s digital age. And that took a lot of effort! However, we believe it was worthwhile, and, unfortunately, future generations will not be able to write or read cursive.
#9: Learning How to Tell Time on an Analog Clock

This is fairly fundamental, yet many children will not be taught it in school these days. It was a huge part of the early grades back then. It was just not possible to avoid knowing about clocks at the time. However, with everything becoming digital, many individuals are now simply wearing timepieces as adornments. We’ll never forget the tick of that giant clock on the wall at the end of a lovely day outside, either!
#8: Library Due Date Stamps

When you went to the library and approached the librarian at the counter, she would carefully stamp the card in the back of the book and perhaps even warn you when it was due back in a stern tone. If it was a well-loved book, the card would be almost full, allowing you to view all of the dates and wonder who owned it before you. While barcodes are the most frequent technique to check out books today, we adored all of the quirky stamps in various colors!
#7: Card Catalog

And if you needed to look something up while at the library, you used the card catalog. If you wanted to complete that report on time, you needed to master the Dewey Decimal System and be able to discover items rather quickly. Those vintage card catalog cabinets are worth a lot of money nowadays!
#6: Brown Paper Bag Lunch

We know that some children still bring things to school, but they are not as common. We didn’t have fancy lunch boxes, so Mom would pack lunch in a brown paper bag (even a bread bag once!). That familiar bustle in the cafeteria at lunchtime, coupled with the ceaseless chatter, is difficult to forget.
#5: Book Straps

Prior to the demand that every youngster have an art set, calculator, laptop, mobile phone, and a billion other items, the book strap was simple to use. However, most of us probably only carried our books in our arms, and nearly no one had a bag.
#4: School Book Covers

When you were given your books at the start of the school year, you were told to keep them in good condition for the children who came after you. Many mothers used brown construction paper or paper grocery bags to create them. That is, assuming your school had enough of each book to go around!
#3: Dodgeball

Ah, the perfect way to exact revenge on those you despise! This game was a true sign of the times, as it is no longer permitted in most schools or community programs due to the significant risk of injury. It was a physical education in getting out of the way, but even the finest performers were not always effective. Eventually, you’d get a really strong throw to the face, and those shin blows were surprisingly painful!
#2: Writing on the Chalkboard When You Got Into Trouble

Because many classrooms no longer have chalkboards and public punishment is considered cruel, most students nowadays would not have to go through this. It was embarrassing to have to write sentences as punishment in front of everyone. And then having to clean the board was like a second punishment! Children today may only be familiar with this punishment from the Simpsons opening credits!
#1: The Weekly Reader

The Weekly Reader was last published in 2012, but it had been in decline for many years prior for the same reasons that all printed works have been. Back then, The Weekly Reader was practically part of the curriculum! It was how we learned about current events and discovered new children’s book titles. I swear, I can still smell that ink!