Home Moral Stories 12 children whose disturbing memories haunted their parents

12 children whose disturbing memories haunted their parents

The perplexing essence of our existence is beyond our conscious comprehension. Questions remain about how children recollect claimed prior experiences or former existences, assuming such events exist. However, the stories we hear nowadays send shivers down our spines and elicit innumerable thoughts.

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Story 1

My daughter used to start crying at random, and when asked what was wrong, she would answer she missed her brother John, clearly upset. She was the sole child at the time. She was about three years old, and it happened several times over a six-month period. © what_the_h***_right / Reddit

Story 2

My father told me that when my brother was three, he said something like, “When I was older, I had a pretty girlfriend, and we ᴅɪᴇᴅ in a car.” © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 3

My mother told me that when I was 3 or 4, I would scream and cry every time we passed an old blue Volkswagen Bug. I informed her, “That was the car I ᴅɪᴇᴅ in.” I also stated that it was really hot and that “I had a baby in my belly.” © Surticy / Reddit

Story 4

My four-year-old told me three days ago while taking a bath that she was my grandfather when I was a baby. My husband and I were both in the room, although my grandfather died when I was much younger than she is today. © LadyBratcher / Reddit

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Story 5

While we were staring out our front window, my 3-year-old casually mentioned, “When I was your age, I had a black cat.” I responded: “Oh, and what was your cat’s name?” She responded, “He didn’t have a name, but my son’s name was Ira.” She had never heard that name before in her life. © Ermalee / Reddit

Story 6

When my son was about four, he asked my wife about “the house that you and Grandpa owned together.” They never bought a home together. But when I pushed for additional information, he quickly said, “You know, the house that was burned down by the volcano.” © dd28064212 / Reddit

Story 7

When he was about three years old, my younger brother used to tell us, “That’s where I ᴅɪᴇᴅ,” each time we crossed a certain bridge. Additionally, he would explain, “My other family lives here,” if we happened to be in a particular neighborhood. © coreoYEAH / Reddit

Story 8

My two-year-old son addressed me by the same nickname my late grandfather used to use. The nickname was unique, and I had never informed him about it or heard anyone else use it. It just happened once, but it makes me wonder. © daximuscat / Reddit

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Story 9

My mother died eleven days before my son was born. My daughter was three at the time. When she was 20, I told a friend that my mother had died before my son was born. My daughter said, “No, she didn’t.” I said, “I think I know when my mother died.”

What my daughter said next chilled my blood. She stated that Granny came to the hospital to visit me, sat with her in the back seat, and pointed out Blue Ted in the shop, which is why we purchased him. She then proceeded to tell me who was in the hospital room when they arrived. Granny sat by the window, she explained. It offered me peace and sure makes you think. © Carol Wightman / Facebook

Story 10

My parents informed me that when I was younger, I claimed to live in Atlantis and had frequent vivid nightmares about earthquakes and floating in the water. © makajak / Reddit

Story 11

When my nephew was around four or six years old, he inquired if I was going to attend his eighth-grade graduation. I assured him that I could take time off work, and he simply replied, “Alive?” Now that he’s ten, the older he grows, the more concerned I am about him entering eighth grade. © biodgradableb***p*** / Reddit

Story 12

My kid and I were discussing my nursing school assignments, and he responded, “Well, I kinda know this stuff anyway.” “You do?” I inquired. He responded: “Yeah, I was a doctor once, but it was like 500 years ago, and I think I died when I was around 33.” © vforvendetta84 / Reddit

Many of us enjoy watching horror films and having chills all over our bodies. However, when we encounter situations in our lives, that sensation of excitement might transform into absolute terror. This is what occurred to the persons in this compilation, who revealed some actual stories that define the word spooky.