The universe has a way of reminding us that beauty still exists, even at our most vulnerable and unsettling moments. It could be a random act of kindness or an unexpected communication from a loved one. This book contains genuine, touching stories that will brighten your day and renew your faith in the incredible magic of life.
Story 1:
I suddenly lost my dad when I was 10. The last gift he brought me was a singing teddy bear. I kept it, and 20 years later, I gave it to my son when he turned 7. We needed to add batteries to make it sing again. I opened it, and my entire body went numb when I discovered a very unexpected sight.
Next to the battery box, he had placed a small cassette. I can’t believe that I found this cassette now, 20 years after his death. I found a recorder and started to listen to it. I had chills.
It was my dad’s voice, reading me favorite stories, sharing funny memories, and offering advice for my future self. He ended by saying that, since he wouldn’t meet my children, he wanted me to pass the cassette to them so they could “meet” their granddad.
That’s exactly what I did. The cassette is now my most treasured possession, and my son loves it too. I can’t believe we never knew about it—my mom didn’t either.
Story 2:

This happened when I was around 9 or 10. I was out riding my bike with my mum, and halfway through the trail, my bike broke down. Anyway, we couldn’t carry the bike back home since it would take hours, so we were just stranded in that field. There were a few people on the trail who saw our inconvenience, but either they didn’t have the bike knowledge to know how to fix it, or they couldn’t be bothered to care.
At least an hour had passed before this old man — and I mean really old (he looked to be around 80) — approached us and fixed our bike free of charge. He got his hands covered in grease, and after a few minutes, I could start pedaling again. I thought that was a really wholesome moment, his kindness and coolness in our situation. And that’s why this memory sticks with me, I guess. © PepeTheFRQG / Reddit
Story 3:
Story 4:
Story 5:
A couple of weeks after I bought my new (to me) car, I was sitting at a stoplight when the woman in the car next to me shouted, “That’s a great little car! I used to have one and loved it!” I shouted back, agreeing and saying how much I loved it too.
She then told me she had the exact same car, but had to get rid of it recently for something bigger. That reminded me of what the car salesman had said—that the previous owners traded it in because they needed a larger vehicle. So I said, “Well, this could be your car—I just bought it!”
She asked where I bought it, and when I told her, she exclaimed, “Ahh! That’s my car!” We both laughed as the light turned green and went our separate ways. © misterunderfoot / Reddit
Story 6:
Story 7:
I was on the tram without a ticket when there was a ticket inspection. I pretended I had one but acted like I couldn’t find it. Just as the inspector was about to issue me a fine, we arrived at a bus stop, and a kind soul dropped her ticket on my lap as she walked by. She saved me 40 euros! © zuzg / Reddit
Story 8:

A few years ago, I was experiencing deep depression. My life was a mess, my apartment was a mess, and I was a mess. For a moment, I decided to just go to the park and sit for a while, as I was really at the end of my rope with zero idea of what to do.
Out of nowhere, a little kid, probably about three or four years old, came up to me, handed me three yellow dandelions, and then ran back to her mom.
I don’t know why, but I always remember that moment. That day, I went home and cleaned my apartment, making it more tidy. I wouldn’t say my life miraculously changed, but that one small act of kindness—something neither the kid nor the mom probably even remembers—became one of the most memorable moments of my life. © AgeOfWomen / Reddit
Story 9:
Story 10:
I had a seizure once while walking my dog around my new apartment complex. I became disoriented, didn’t know where I was, or what was happening. A kind young gentleman noticed something was wrong and helped me call my mom so she could tell him which apartment I lived in. He gently walked my dog and me back home to my surprised and grateful husband. © GoodbyeFeline / Reddit