Home relationship 10 Things Every Husband Should Be Doing for His Wife

10 Things Every Husband Should Be Doing for His Wife

10 Things Every Husband Should Be Doing for His Wife

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1. Touch her

Most women need affection outside the bedroom. If you hold her hand, wrap your arms around her, give her a back rub or a gentle caress without automatically waiting for sex, it will bring the two of you closer.

2. Show her respect and appreciation

Listen to her and appreciate her input. Consider her needs, even if you don’t understand them. Thank her often for everything she does and tell her how much you appreciate her. If she knows you appreciate her, she will simultaneously feel more loved by you.

3. Carry her burden

When life weighs on her, step in and carry some of her burden. Give her a chance to rest, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Be there for her, and when the time comes to return the favor, she will be strong enough to be there for you.

4. Speak her love language

Pay attention to what makes her feel cherished. What makes her feel like she’s your number one. If you’re not an observant man, ask her what she needs. Yes, she may be irritated that you didn’t find the answer, but she will also be touched that you cared enough to try.

5. Encourage and support her dreams

Don’t make everything about your dreams. Focus on her dreams too. Celebrate her wins. Support her passions and goals. Encourage her to try new things and “go for it” in the areas she’s always wanted to pursue.

6. Give her space

Even though you’ve merged your lives, you both need space. Give her time to be alone, but also give her the space to do what’s important to her, even if you’re not interested. If she feels good about herself alone, she can be a stronger partner when you are together.

7. Treat her better than a stranger

We treat the people closest to us the worst because we feel safe in our relationships to express how we really feel. Expressing ourselves is fine, but we have a choice in how we do it.

8. Ask her out on a date. Keep following her!

Don’t stop dating just because you are married! Keep dating each other. Make time together a priority and ask her out. Make it a big deal. Let her know that she ALWAYS deserves your efforts. Don’t give her your leftovers. Keep pursuing her.

9. Communicate with her about EVERYTHING.

Open up to her. She will feel closer to you if you make the effort to connect with her. Don’t shut down when she asks how your day went. Give her all the details. She wants to be connected to every part of your world. By communicating with her, you are showing her your love and she will feel connected and safe in your relationship.

10. Give her more importance than your career, money or hobbies.

Those other things can’t love you back! Show her with your TIME that she is your top priority. There is no greater blessing in your life than your wife. Never put her in competition for your attention. Give her your best. Show her that she is your top priority.