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10 Things A Man Secrets Thinks But He Will Never Admit To You

10 Things A Man Secrets Thinks But He Will Never Admit To You

1. I love that you are confident

Man are always attracted to woman’s confidence. If you are confidence, all men fall for you.

2. I dont know how to do it

To be a “real man”, most often the gentleman tries to solve every problem, even if he is aware that it is beyond his power.

3. I can not afford it

Men like to compare themselves with the size of their wallet and other virtues. They don’t like to admit defeat. Therefore, your lover does not have the courage to tell you that a trinket you like is too expensive for him.

4. I am jealous of you

I’m not just jealous of you, I’m downright crazy at the thought that someone else would take you away from me! He is strong enough to suppress their emotions, to keep them under control. He thinks about it but he’s unlikely to tell you.

5. I like your sister/friend

He already likes her, but of course he won’t say it out loud. Although his love for you is huge, he is still not blind and appreciates other women as well.

6. Don’t be in such a hurry

Romantic atmosphere, unobtrusive communication, flirting, smiles – these are signs that you have aroused interest in the man, but nothing more. It doesn’t mean he’s ready to propose, he’s just checking the situation.

7. I love compliments too, just like you

They also like to hear compliments about themselves. Give the person their due – tell them how skilled, amazing, creative, awesome and more they are! Especially if you really mean it.

8. I like “girly things”

Men should also take care of themselves, especially since women appreciate it. Of course, they will carefully hide their vanity, because somehow it does not sound “manly”.

9. I’m afraid

From early childhood, the stronger sex is forbidden to talk about being afraid of the dark, clowns, spiders… Weaknesses must be hidden. But he also fear.

10. I hide my feelings

To put on a mask of indifference and never take it off is difficult, but in a man’s world it is impossible to do otherwise. It’s just that men are ashamed to show their weaknesses.