Have you heard the famous saying “you are what you eat”? Well, this saying is so true. That means everything you eat reflects on you and your body. Try to start a healthy diet, and watch how your skin will change, it will look so radiant, and it will also smell so good. So, to help you have a great body odor and change your natural scent, there certain types of foods that make you smell great.

1. The lively yoghurt
Yoghurt is made of bacterial fermentation of milk and these bacteria are known as yoghurt cultures. And they are alive. The culture in the yoghurt is active even when you consume it. This lowers the number of sulfite compounds in the body which reduces the bad body odour as well. As a bonus, yoghurt is plentiful of vitamin D which fights off the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath. It is a better option than milk as the choline in milk can make you smell really bad.
2. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits have a big impact on the smell of your body; citrus fruits work on getting rid of the bad smells of the body and replace it with a fresh smell. Oranges, strawberries, pineapples, and apples all fall under the citrus fruits family, so feel free to choose your favorite fruit to eat to make your body smell great.
3. Thyme
Thyme is an aromatic herb, which are known to really help with body odor. Thyme is also easy to include in your diet and it’s a beautiful herb.
4. Mornings With Herbal Tea
Accumulated toxins are another common yet neglected reason for bad body odour. However, any excess substance piled up in the system is considered as toxins. Flushing them out will bring down the body odour too. Switching the morning coffee with herbal teas will be great because the caffeine causes a pungent, bitter smell. With caffeine and toxins gone, your body has a much better chance of smelling good.
5. Lemon and water
Lemon and water when mixed together have amazing benefits; water alone is a major factor of a healthy and good smelling body. When you add lemon to it, which is a citrus fruit you’re only adding more benefits to the formula.

6. The Festive Ginger Whiff
Ginger is one of the commonly used ingredients in the kitchen, and it has the power to curb any trouble in the digestive system. Upset stomach is one of the prime reasons for bad breath. Starting the day with a ginger – lemon tea can detox the body. You may not smell like ginger, but it will make your days foul smell-free.
7. Rosemary
Rosemary is one of the herbs that help give your body a really nice smell, if you love it then you’re one lucky person. Rosemary can work as a natural deodorant for body odor. It contains menthol and chlorophyll which is extremely good to keep the bacteria and thus, body odor away.
8. The Herbal Freshness
Adding fresh herbs to salads, dinner, or smoothies is a great idea for masking bad breath. Fresh herbs contain strong oils which are pleasant and refreshing. It is one of the foods that deodorise the body. They can overpower strong smells of garlic and onion. If you are worried about bad breath on a date, order some fresh herbs along with dinner. You have got the situation under control.
9. Green Tea – The Powerhouse

Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, and it has tons of health benefits. But the very same polyphenols can put up a fight with bacteria and lower the rate of sulfur compounds. It can not only keep your breath fresh but also keep your feet dry. The green tea has a substance called tannic acid which can stop perspiration. Soaking the feet in water to which one cup of green tea is added can prevent sweating.
10. Mint
Mint is so easy to incorporate into your diet. It has strong oils that help overcome strong unpleasant scents.
11. Spice Up With Cinnamon And Cardamom
Even though spicy food can push you a little further to the bad smelling territory, cinnamon and cardamom can give you a long lasting pleasant smell. They are also known for quick results. These spices are great for the immune system as well. If you eat sulfite compounds containing ingredients like garlic and onion, try to incorporate cinnamon and cardamom into your diet soon.
12. Jasmine tea
Herbal teas help you flush out the toxins out of your body, jasmine tea help you do that, it also soothes your digestives system and will give your body a great smell.
References: beyondpinkworld.com, fustany.com