Exploring the past frequently offers situations that challenge our perception of reality. People on the internet routinely share chilling and puzzling encounters that have left long-lasting impacts. These unnerving anecdotes, which sometimes resemble scenes from a spine-tingling thriller or spooky folklore, are actual accounts shared by those brave enough to express them in online communities.
Story 1:
A coworker of mine was doing prep in the morning in a completely empty building. He went to the bathroom, and while in there, he clearly heard the sound of the door just outside the restroom that leads to our patio opening and closing. Since no one was supposed to be in the restaurant (we’re only open for dinner service), he bolted out, but no one was there.
He checked the security cameras and saw himself walking into the bathroom. Then the screens turned to white fuzz for a few minutes before clicking back on as he ran out. I saw the footage—that actually happened. Very eerie. © Humblepoptart / Reddit
Story 2:

Mom was in tears when I returned from school. She said Grandpa had di:ed in his sleep last night. It was impossible because I saw him at recess this morning. He visited me and said, “Mom needs you more than ever.”
Her face turned white, and she started shaking when she realized that he had given me his favorite silver watch. He often wore that watch on his wrist. My parents later searched Grandpa’s house for it and couldn’t find it, which proved he actually came to my school and gave it to me.
But the mystery remains unsolved to this day because Grandpa di:ed on Tuesday evening, yet I’m 100% certain he visited me the very next day, on Wednesday, to give me the watch. I still get chills when I think about it, even 12 years later.
Story 3:
Story 4:
My boss, a co-worker, and I were standing at a surface table measuring something when the quarter-ton table moved about six inches at one corner across the concrete floor with a loud screech, as if someone had grabbed it and moved it out of the way. We just looked at each other, thinking, “Did that just happen?” © BiffChildFromBangor / Reddit
Story 5:
Story 6:
I was camping alone in my RV and was curled under the blanket, almost asleep, when something pulled my pillow (with my head on it) out from under the blanket about 12–15 inches. I opened my eyes, and nothing was there. The RV was locked. © Infinite-Beautiful84 / Reddit
Story 7:

One time when I was younger, I was upstairs in my room playing games on a PlayStation. I was home alone because both of my parents had gone out to see a movie. It was a fairly normal night with nothing out of the ordinary happening until I heard an extremely loud crashing noise and what sounded like glass shattering coming from the kitchen area.
I immediately went downstairs to find the source of the noise. I checked all of the windows, but they showed no signs of damage. Confused, I kept walking around, trying to find the source of the loud crashing noise, until I reached the kitchen. I don’t know how this happened, but the outer glass screen of our oven had completely fallen off and shattered. Slightly terrified, I swept up all the glass and threw it away.
I tried explaining the situation to my parents when they got home, but they didn’t believe my story and grounded me for a week because they thought I had broken it. To this day, I still have no clue what caused the oven screen door to shatter like that, and it remains one of the biggest unexplained mysteries of my life. © GoldenDude / Reddit
Story 8:
Story 9:
I was probably around 10 years old. My parents didn’t like me playing my DS all day, so I would sneak it at night. One night, I was playing Pokémon when, all of a sudden, I heard a man’s voice in my head telling me to go to sleep.
I instantly turned off the game and fell asleep within seconds. I thought it was my dad, but I never heard or saw the door open, and he never mentioned it to me. It creeped me out for a while. © seanproctor / Reddit
Story 10:
When I was a kid and would sleep over at my best friend’s house, he and his family would always tell me how haunted their house was. I honestly didn’t believe them. Fast-forward a few years to Halloween night: my buddy, two girls, and I were at his house watching scary movies.
All of a sudden, I started hearing footsteps, like they were right next to me. I froze in fear, unsure if I should say anything. I tried to rationalize it in my head—maybe it was a branch hitting the house or some kids throwing rocks. No. This was the sound of boots pacing back and forth right next to me. Their dog was freaking out too, running around the kitchen where the sound was coming from. © Feeling-Lemon-9221 / Reddit